Are Men Hard-Wired to Watch Porn?

Have you wondered if men are hard-wired to watch porn? Well, if you have, you need to ask yourself a more specific question. The real question is “Is YOUR man hard-wired to watch porn?”

Most men are not hard-wired to watch porn. Unfortunately, more people than ever are consuming porn these days. Increased stress and easy accessibility are making porn the newest strategy to offset anxiety.

Watch this video for an easy explanation and keep reading below to learn what hard-wires a man to need to watch porn.

Yes, some men are hard-wired to watch porn because they have been using it as an escape from reality for many years. What happens is over time porn wires the person’s brain to need more of it to feel ok. In essence, porn reduces anxiety and pain for the person. The bad news is that porn consumption, like so many other things, is not good for the brain. Even though it provides relief for the consumer in the short run, it has long term damaging effects. Not only is erectile dysfunction related to porn use, but happiness also decreases, anger increases, relationships suffer, and productivity can decrease too. Porn is used to escape the pain that a man struggles with on the inside.

Here are the main factors that impact if a man’s brain is hard-wired for porn. There is science behind each of these ideas that shows that porn affects the brain like a drug.

Age of First Porn Exposure.

The earlier a man is exposed to porn the worse the impact it usually has on him. Many men were exposed as a young teenager and it made them feel better. It helped that young version of himself escape the pain of his family. Many men who use porn grew up in families where they were verbally or physically abused. This neglect made it so that they needed an escape.

Frequency of Porn Exposure.

How often a man has been watching porn can also impact how hard-wired the need for porn is in the brain. If a man has been watching porn twice a week for 20 years, that is an ingrained habit. It would be hard for that man to go for a very long time without watching porn. This is because his brain needs porn to offset anxiety feel calm. At first a few times a week helps the user feel better. After a while, more time with porn is needed for the same effect. Many men do not understand this effect is happening within their brains.

Most men think they cannot get addicted to porn. I am here to tell you it can happen to anyone. Doctors, lawyers, actors, and more. Former NFL player turned actor Terry Crews’ story is especially inspirational.  Even athletes, like Lamar Odom, can fall victim and high profile musicians can’t escape either. Have you heard of Kanye West? Read their stories. They will blow your mind.

Escalation of Types of Porn

After a while, the usual porn will not do it for the user. This is because the brain builds tolerance, just like alcohol. It needs more graphic material in addition to a greater quantity. So, in time men will find themselves watching porn that crosses the boundary of their moral code. Violent porn, porn with men, children, animals, etc. You should know that science shows if you are watching mainly one type of porn or a specific sex act. You are creating a neural pathway for that image. Every time you watch it, you burn it in. You will need that fantasy more than ever over time. It will own you.

How To Quit Porn For Good.

So, what to do about it? A porn habit begins in the brain and it ends in the brain. I can help you. My mission is to help you stop watching porn, set some awesome goals, and accomplish them and repair your relationship so you can be happy, healthy, and whole. I use a unique brain-based formula to do this.

You can read bout it on my Personal Neuro-Coaching page but first I want you to know this. In your personalized Neuro training program I will use a proven formula for beating porn addiction that I learned in my training as a Sex Addiction Recovery Coach. So, although it is not listed on the Neuro Training Page as a program to overcome porn, for you it will be. I will use a proven method to help you faster and easier than other long roads of recovery. Your program will include Neurofeedback and a wide variety of coaching tools for porn recovery.

If you are the wife of a man hooked on porn I can help you too. The tools we will use together are different from those I would use with your husband but they have been shown to be effective for women betrayed by their spouse’s porn use. I have everything we need to get moving in the right direction today.

Visit the Personal Neuro Training Program page to see how you can get started or email me at If you’d like to chat with me for a few minutes in a complimentary consultation. Schedule one now HERE.

It is time to get out from underneath the pull porn has on you and start reaching your full potential. Contact Me, I can help.

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