Change Your Self-Talk to Quit Porn

Change Your Self-Talk to Quit Porn

Stop the Negative Self Talk

Change your self-talk to quit porn. Often when faced with struggles or stressors, people jump to the worst-case scenario and will get in a bad headspace about it. This behavior is damaging because the way you talk informs the way you behave, and the way you behave informs the way you talk. It’s all connected.

So, instead of falling into the trap of negative thoughts, shift thinking into positive thoughts instead. Positive thinking will make it so that it will inform the day in a better direction no matter what happens.

How to Change Negative Thinking into Positive

How do you change your self-talk to quit porn? One way is to get out a journal and start thinking about how you talk to yourself. Then reframe those thoughts into positive ones and write them down. Do this with every negative thing that pops into your head. After a while, you will train your brain to think more positively.

When getting into the habit of positive thinking, life changes towards the positive as well. This makes actions and reactions to life’s stressors more beneficial, making overall mental health stronger and improved.

How Does This Relate to Porn?

Stress, boredom, and depression are often what lead people back to the screen. They use porn as a form of mood regulation to make themselves feel better. When you shift your mindset into a more positive one, you see the effects play out in the real world. Handling difficulties and reacting to struggles becomes a lot easier. You will also start having fewer negative thoughts, which means the desire to go back to the screen won’t be as strong.

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