How porn is likely destroying your relationship and you aren’t even aware. In this video, we are going to cover five points and after that, I’m going to give you an awesome brain tip so that you can get your relationships back online. So that you can thrive, be happy, build the connection that you are looking for okay so everything I’m going to tell you is based on science. The scientific studies will be posted on a blog post of the same name at my website
How porn is destroying your relationship?
So the science shows that there is decreased relationship satisfaction when pornography is in the mix of a relationship. This shows up in many different ways so number one we’re going to talk about is many many studies show that partners are less satisfied when one usually is the man. When one partner is consuming pornography frequently and consistently and this impacts relationships. First of all, if you are the person consuming pornography you have higher expectations of your partner because you’re used to this supernormal stimulus of pornography. Therefore, your brain has been hijacked to need this massive level of intensity of that dopamine flood that your brain gets in a very artificial way from a very artificial source being the screen. When you go back to the screen it has intensity your brain gets used to that then when it’s time to be with your partner. Your satisfaction goes down your brain can’t possibly get the dopamine release that it gets from the screen that’s why pornography is known to be a supernormal stimulus your partner is a normal stimulus and that’s healthy. That’s what we want: normal stimuli to keep your brain in that calm focus mode and not swinging between the extremes of high highs and low lows.
Healthy & Unhealthy Sexuality
The difference between healthy sexuality and unhealthy or addictive types of sexuality is healthy sexuality includes intensity. At the perfect levels eroticism tapping into your animal nature in a vulnerable way with another person. When you’re vulnerable with that special person in your life it actually makes you invulnerable nothing can hurt you because you’re in this connected space with another person. Then you can share yourself and enjoy it, you can get pleasure and happiness and joy at the perfect levels of intensity. So it’s intense eroticism and connection. Pornography use is up in pandemic times because people are disconnected from each other what you’re actually looking for is a connection to another human being if you can’t find that right. When you have healthy sexuality you build intimacy that is proven to be destroyed for partners in an unhealthy sexual relationship and that’s why relationship and sexuality go down in terms of satisfaction.
How does emotional abuse become involved?
Number two another study shows that there’s a higher incidence of emotional abuse from relationships when one partner consumes pornography. So emotional abuse I know that sounds like a big term and a big concept it is but the way that it happens is low grade. We know that a pornography habit is built on shame and shame manifests in the world as blame. Blaming another person or blaming yourself. Then it also shows up as the izings rationalizing your own behavior making the other person think that their behavior is the problem gaslighting. There’s minimizing of the behaviors. That’s what emotional abuse is; it’s taking the situation and twisting it all around so that it no longer makes sense. That’s a protective mechanism for you if you’re consuming pornography so you cover up and deal with the shame that your pornography habit is creating and perpetuating. Therefore, we know that science proves there’s more emotional abuse in relationships where there’s pornography consumption which is destroying your relationship.
More Information
If you’re interested in learning more about how porn is ruining your relationships, click the video linked above. However, if you’re ready to quit porn for good and get the support you need visit my website or youtube channel for more information.