Marijuana, Alcohol, and Porn

Marijuana, Alcohol, and Porn

How to Stay Away from the Slippery Slope of Porn Addiction

Quitting porn can be difficult and can have you feeling like you’re on a slippery slope. Keeping a distance from the edge of that slope will stop you from going into a full-on addiction. One tiny push from the edge can send you into a spiral that will be difficult to get out of.

Staying away from the edge will be made all the more difficult by consuming marijuana and alcohol. They can be the things that send you over the edge due to their inhibitions and their ability to chill you out and bring you down from those extra fast brain speeds you get from porn. Porn, on the other hand, is a supernormal stimulus. It will keep you going back to the screen for those high brain speeds that you now crave. That is what will continue pulling you down the slope of addiction.

Continuously using porn to speed up your brain speeds and using alcohol and marijuana to slow them back down, will lead to a lot of damage to your brain and body and will make leaving addiction behind difficult. So, when you’re addicted to porn and attempting to quit, taking a break from marijuana and alcohol will benefit you in the porn recovery process. This break is recommended to be at around 90 days.

Brain Tip Strategy to Leave Addiction Behind

Get out your favorite journal. Make it one you will enjoy using and journaling in. Write down the answer to these questions:

  • How and why do I use porn, alcohol, or marijuana?
  • How are you using these substances/behaviors to regulate your mood?
  • Consider the times of day, days of the week, and habits that you’ve built. Reflect on how they play out in your life.

Doing this will help you gain more emotional intelligence which is a big part in recovering from addiction. The next step you want to take is writing down an action step for you to take whenever you get the urge to engage in one of these substances or behaviors. This can look like:

  • Going for a walk
  • Taking a cold shower
  • Designing a piece of art
  • Practicing yoga outside
  • Playing an instrument
  • Watching a TV series

Find an activity, exercise, or hobby that relaxes you and makes you happy. Something stable you have to look forward to at the end of the day.


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