Porn Brain Reboot Success

Successful porn brain reboot, how do you accomplish it? I’m Dr. Trish Leigh let me tell you how. In this video, I’m going to describe to you the essential elements that are necessary for you to be successful at leaving pornography and masturbation habits behind. Now of course those are the fundamental elements that are in the programs that I’ve created because it’s what’s necessary. So I’m going to describe them to you but I want you to understand I built the program based on these elements, not vice versa.


Element number one

I talk about it as unwiring your brain from the brain pattern that you have created a long time ago. Likely in childhood that has been wiring itself in for years decades a lifetime. The way that you begin to unwire that brain pattern is to dig into your childhood experiences and your emotional state at the time that you found pornography because you found it because it was a self-soothing mechanism. Now albeit a very dangerous one because when you found it it’s highly addictive and it hijacked your brain. But at the same time, you found it and it felt so good and offset either the pain or the challenge or the boredom or the stress of the life that you were living. Investigating those experiences and family dynamics and dysfunction can be really important.

For 99.99999% of the population it’s not a matter of if there was family dysfunction in your childhood it’s a matter of what kind and to what degree. We know that families all have some level of dysfunction you know. We can have highly functional families that still have aspects of dysfunction. When you dig into them you realize the personality type that you created. There are nine of them that you’ve created so that you could create the identity that gave you safety in the environment that you grew up in. That’s why we investigate personality and identity while we are investigating family dynamics.


Element number two

You have to re-wire your brain pattern in the present. A very high-tech state-of-the-art effective way that you can do that is by adding brain training to your porn brain reboot program. If it’s not under my guidance or working with me you can do it alone. Get the headband, use the link that you see here on this youtube channel and you get a 15% discount. It will start training your brain in the right direction and rewiring your brain towards the optimal mode and so you can do that on a daily basis and I’ve created a new brain training 101 program at It’s there for you it’s only $49 you can learn how to train your brain. So adding brain training is highly effective, you also have to rewire your brain using your mind and your body so the approach is a top-down approach. Using brain training, trains your brain, your mind, and body to get better and a bottom-up approach.



More information 

If you’re interested in learning more about my programs, click the video above. However, if you’re ready to quit porn then visit my website or youtube channel for more information.

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