What Your Heart Rate Can Tell You.

Why Heart Rate Efficiency Training? Perhaps you don’t know what your heart rate can tell you. It can give you a wealth of information. Once you know, you can use that information to feel better. Let me tell you how.

Your heart rate increases when you are stressed or anxious. It slows when you are relaxed and productive. We will use three heart rate variables to improve the way your heart and body are working: average resting heart rate, maximum and minimum heart rate. When we consider, and then improve these variables, your body works better. This, in turn, helps your brain and mind function better also. It is the total package when used in my proven formula.

Resting Heart Rate

I will help you identify, and then optimize, your resting heart rate. The better, for your specific age, that your resting heart rate is the better you will feel and perform. To slow… your sluggish. Too fast, stressed out. In the middle, you will feel calm and focused and ready to rock out your goals.

Maximum Heart Rate

Your maximum heart rate can tell you your capacity to handle vigorous exercise. Vigorous exercise has been associated with improvements in brain performance.  This is because of its relationship to the maximum heart rate.

Using our heart rate monitor feature we will track and then optimize your heart rate. I use this biofeedback training feature to improve the connection between the brain and heart. Scientifically, the coherence between heart rate and brain performance has been shown to improve the way feel and perform. It is a top-down and bottom-up approach simultaneously for fast results.

What Tool Do I Use To Measure My Heart Rate?

I am a HUGE fan of the Muse Calm Brain Sensing Headband. As such, I’ve been using it myself and recommending it to patients for years. I am so excited to have finally developed a specialized Neuro Training Program centered around using the Muse Calm Headband. I have the skills and knowledge to take your practice to the next level if you are a “Muser”. If not, I will show you how.

Join me for your personalized Neuro Training program. Not only will we have a ton of fun, but you will also end up a better version of yourself too. Find out all the elements that it includes HERE. Here is the short list:

  • EEG Biofeedback Brain Training (my fav)
  • Heart Rate Efficiency Training
  • Breathing Efficiency Training
  • Body Movement Efficiency Training
  • Sleep Efficiency Training
  • Personality Testing & Optimization (this is mindblowing)
  • Goal Setting & Realization

Let’s Do This. Let me help you #controlyourbrain

If you’d like a FREE consultation with Dr. Trish Leigh to see if this program feels like a good fit, schedule one HERE.



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