feel and perform better. fast.

Building healthy real-life pleasure, away from explicit matter and screens, doesn’t have to be complicated.

It can be rather simple and straightforward if you have the strongest neuroscience tools, technology, strategies, and support.

You CAN get started today.
Don’t miss your chance.

We help people

 all over the world 

using our proprietary Dr. Trish Leigh app from the comfort of their home.

Get to the root

save time, money & energy

finally feel free

Virtual Neurofeedback Coaching Clinic

(1) top-tier at-home technology
(2) powerful online masterclass
(3) work directly with Dr. Leigh 

In this program you mostly let the technology do the work for you. Unique, specific, and personalized neurofeedback training protocols (set just for you) reset the pleasure pathways in your brain while you relax during sessions. Then you learn how to keep your brain optimized for long-lasting success in our masterclass and coaching program.

It has never been easier to get top-tier help for explicit matter, excessive screen use, arousal dysfunctions, relationship repair, and brain health improvements.

3 Simple Steps to Begin:

Take the guesswork out of the formula with advanced technology

Do you want a measurable, personalized neuroscience program designed specifically for your needs while working directly with Dr. Trish Leigh and her team?

Follow these three easy steps to get started.

Apply Today

STEP 1: Apply

Complete the new client application and schedule your confidential personal consultation with a highly trained member of our brain health team to strategize your unique program.

qEEG Brain Map Evaluation & Program Recommendations

STEP 2: Evaluate

Complete your state-of-the-art qEEG Brain Map from the comfort of your home using our professional app in under 28 minutes. Then have your map interpreted by Dr. Trish Leigh. Meet with a certified brain health professional to get your program recommendation strategy. Get ready to feel and perform better.

Optimize Your Brain for Lasting Success. Together.

STEP 3: Optimize

Implement your custom Neurofeedback Training and Coaching protocols, programmed specifically for your needs by Dr. Trish Leigh, with our support every step of the way. Daily Neurofeedback sessions and monthly coaching calls keep you on track and help enhance your brain performance to achieve your goals quickly and efficiently.

This program also includes our exclusive online Pleasure Pathways Reset Masterclass where you will learn all the knowledge and skills you need to rewire your brain to enjoy real-world pleasure. With more than 134 interactive lessons, you will be highly prepared to implement changes into your life. You also get access to Porn Free Brain Forever, Dr. Leigh’s highly acclaimed online recovery program and her newest e-book, Pleasure Reset: 25 Powerful Neuroscience Strategies for ED Recovery.

Meet Dr. Trish Leigh each month in a group coaching meeting to help you move forward with strength. Nothing is left out of this program.

Feel and perform better enjoying healthy real-world pleasure in less than 

100 days from now

Do you want to work directly with Dr. Trish Leigh and her team?

Follow these three easy steps to see if you qualify.


New Client Application & 15-Minute Strategy Session


Every new client begins with the New Client Application & 15-Minute Strategy Session. Once complete and accepted, you’ll meet with a highly trained brain health professional for your private initial consultation to discuss your situation, goals, and determine the best level of support for you.


  • Complete the online application so we can gather an overview of your situation, primary challenges, and goals.
  • Provide you with our recommendations for next steps to support you in your healing.
  • Answer any questions you may have about our process and services.
  • Schedule your comprehensive qEEG Brain Map session to evaluate your brain’s needs.


qEEG Brain Map Evaluation, Review & Program Recommendations


Complete your qEEG Brain Map assessment from the comfort of your home using our state-of-the-art professional app. Dr. Trish Leigh will evaluate your qEEG Brain Map and make her strongest recommendations for your program’s success. Then you will meet with a certified brain health professional on zoom for your official Brain Map review of findings session. Together we’ll review your case and Dr. Leigh’s strategy will be presented to you to address the root causes behind your greatest challenges so you can start feeling and performing better as quickly as possible. After this appointment, Dr. Leigh sets and adjusts individualized protocols specifically for your needs, fit just for you, which you will review during a follow-up appointment.

Case Review: Your health history, life situation, current lifestyle factors, previous or ongoing treatments, and program goals will be fully explored with your brain health professional to bring clarity to what you need to move forward.

Provide Initial Brain Performance Findings: We will discuss the areas, amounts, and levels of brain dysfunction as visualized on your qEEG Brain Map with reference to your current challenges so that you better understand what is going on in your brain and how you can optimize it to achieve your goals.

Strategize a Game Plan: We will discuss “best next step” strategies to improve your brain performance so you can achieve stronger mental and physical health. These may include joining one of our digital Masterclass, utilizing professional neurofeedback training, personalized coaching, and/or follow-ups as needed.

Schedule Your Progress Evaluation Meeting: All programs include a personalized coaching meeting to evaluate initial progress and further recommendations.


Reset the Pleasure Pathways and Optimize Your Brain Health. Together.


Where the magic happens! After your initial evaluation and review, we will link arms with you to officially start your healing journey together. Work your custom neurofeedback training and coaching program alongside your team! Daily neurofeedback training sessions and monthly personal coaching meetings help you improve your brain performance, set and reach your goals.

At the same time you are empowered with Dr. Trish Leigh’s unique, self-guided, online Masterclass, Pleasure Pathways Reset, for instant access to over 40 quick and powerful interactive lessons that teach you exactly what you need to do to reset pleasure in your brain and life. Use your 40-Day Pleasure Reset Workbook to move you through the program effectively. Get your questions answered by Dr. Trish each month in a group coaching call to help you achieve your goals with ease.

This program also includes access to Porn Free Brain Forever, the digital program with over 94 comprehensive lessons that has helped thousands of people successfully quit porn, diminish compulsive masturbation, and reinvigorate healthy sexual arousal. You also get Dr. Leigh’s e-manual, Pleasure Reset: 25 Powerful Neuroscience Strategies for ED Recovery, another resource to improve sexual function and satisfaction. You will have everything you need to succeed.

  • 1:1 Custom Neurofeedback Training and Coaching Program with Dr. Trish Leigh and her professional brain health team.
  • Immediate Access to Knowledge and Skill Building online course
  • 40-Day Pleasure Reset Plan Workbook
  • Monthly Group Coaching with Dr. Trish Leigh
  • Porn Free Brain Forever online course
  • Pleasure Reset: 25 Powerful Neuroscience Strategies for ED Recovery Manual

Change is only
1 easy step away.

Take the first step and we will help you complete the rest.

Still Have Questions?


Don’t miss out on Dr. Trish’s new book: Mind Over Explicit Matter