3 Stages of a Porn Brain Reboot

In this video, Dr. Trish Leigh discusses the 3 stages of a porn brain reboot and how to get through each step effectively.


What are the 3 stages?

  1. The first stage is you don’t know that porn is a problem for you. So you may not know that porn is a problem at all. Therefore, the first stage is ignorance and you think that watching porn isn’t a big deal. You do it because it releases stress and boredom. When you go from stage one to stage two you know that not only is porn not beneficial it’s harmful.
  2. Stage two is understanding how bad porn is for you and realizing that you want to quit. This stage can be long because realizing why you should quit porn.
  3. Stage three is commitment to quit porn. You must committee to re-wiring your brain out of this addictive pattern so that you can reach your full potential.

Why is porn bad for you?

The science shows that when you keep going back to the screen you’ve coupled your brain to be the fourth wall participant in an unhealthy sexual activity that’s fake. It’s giving your brain this massive dopamine dump or release. However, I can see it in people’s brain graphs and of course, I share that with them. After a PMO session, your brain is artificially regulated. So before you watch pornography your brain is stressed out and it needs something to help relax. That’s what porn does, it artificially brings stress down and doesn’t bump up that calm focus in the middle. The A effect is taking the edge off, but the B effect is then a couple of hours later your brain is off the charts and you have more cortisol in the system and lower dopamine. The creates sudden mood changes, anxiety, and depression, and will make unintentional responses more frequent.


More Information

If you’re interested in watching the rest of the video, click the link above. However, if you’re ready to get the support and help you need, join the Porn-Free Brain Forever program or YouTube channel for help. Let’s get control of your brain before it controls you!

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