Do you want to know about Dr. Trish Leigh?

Dr. Trish Leigh, Ph.D., Cognitive Neuroscientist.

Doctor, Professor, Entrepreneur, Unabashedly Hopeful Optimist

About Dr. Trish Leigh’s Life

I love to read, I read a lot. I love to teach. I believe knowledge is power and once you know how something it leads to becoming inspired and empowered toward positive change. I like to hang out and have coffee, drink wine on my porch with my friends, run, SUP board on the lake, and spend time with friends and family.

I spend most of my time with my hubby, Dr. Cosmas Leigh, my PIC (partner in crime) at Leigh Brain and Spine, our private practice in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We have 6 children whom we love to spend time with. We both come from families of three boys & three girls and we have the same. Yes, we are Irish.

Our kids are mostly teenagers now and it is a blast. We have an artist and musician who can’t decide which one she loves more, a skateboarding mathematician, an actress who is thirteen and thinks she is twenty-three, a movie buff, and a horse whisperer. Quite the mix. I share this with you because I use all of the techniques and strategies that I will teach you with them. Like you, I need every tool that I can get to nurture their growth toward their full potential. Not only am I educated in child development and wellness domains, but I also practice the skills, constantly.

Dr. Trish Leigh’s Secret

I am crazy busy and keep more balls in the air than you can possibly imagine. But, if you ask my friends they will tell you that I am chill and happy. My secret? I have taken my educational, professional, and personal development training and used it on myself and my family. Totally brilliant.

What this looks like is me using everything I am going to teach you myself. My secret to rock out a business and life that I love will be yours soon too. I use Neurofeedback to stay in the zone of calm-focus, I take brain supplements to keep my brain healthy and working well, neuromeditation (bet your dying to know what that is) on a daily basis, food that nourishes the brain and body (I slow cook and instant-pot like a boss), engage in work that I am passionate about and excites me, and prioritize living a balanced life that includes down time with my kiddos, my hubs, and my besties. This is how I keep my brain working at its best.

Dr. Trish Leigh’s Credentials

I am always learning more about brains and how we can use them better to develop across our lifespans, get rid of our problems, and rock out amazing lives. I have earned many college degrees in this arena, and even more certifications, the highlights of which you can read below. All that knowledge has come together and has enabled me to help people in a way that others cannot. I am so blessed to know what I know, and I want to share it with everyone who will listen. My thriving private practice is amazing and is called Leigh Brain & Spine in Chapel Hill, NC.

Which Leads Me to You

I am here to serve. This company is built on brains (pun intended), passion for potential, commitment to possibility through action, and a foundation of love. Through my free content, paid online training programs, personal coaching, and whatever else I might offer to you, I am here to make a difference.

I know that seemingly small changes can have a massive ripple effect in your life and all the lives you touch. Whether you believe it or not, you have the power to change your brain and in so doing change your life, and the world around you.

If you want to know more, visit my programs’ pages:

Short Course Workshops on ADHD, Anxiety, Addiction, & More (for individuals) or Neurofeedback Experts Business Coaching (for professionals).

You will get great FREE content on my YouTube Channel. I want to help you begin to make the changes you need to moving in the right direction toward your potential.

Thanks for visiting. I am thrilled to be connected and I am so excited to be part of your success journey.

Be Well,

Dr. Trish Leigh, Cognitive Neuroscientist