Does Neurofeedback Work for ADHD?

In one word, YES! I was so excited to see a new article, February 2017, on the Harvard University website sharing the news about the effectiveness of Neurofeedback for ADHD with a really cool graphic that explains the foundational study that helped to prove it. I will share it with you below.

A clinical trial reveals that neurofeedback training outperforms medication in treating ADHD. This figure schematizes the experimental setup and outcome of the study conducted by Monastra and colleagues in 2002. One hundred children diagnosed with ADHD were enrolled in the study. For one year, all of them were treated with medication (Ritalin), while half had their treatments supplemented by neurofeedback training.

Immediately after the 1-year treatment period, the Ritalin-only group showed moderate improvement in the behavioral symptoms of ADHD while showing no improvement in patterns of brain activity associated with the ability to focus attention. By contrast, children treated with medication and neurofeedback training showed significant improvements in both behavior and brain activity patterns. Interestingly, one week post-treatment, the beneficial effects of the neurofeedback-supplemented regimen persisted, while that of medication alone did not.

Go to the link below to check out the whole, information-packed article.

Essentially, neurofeedback has been proven to not only get rid of the symptoms of ADHD but to fix the cause of it, the irregular brain patterns being used by the child with ADHD. Behaviors and brains improved ALOT with Neurofeedback. Medication on the other hand, only reduced the symptoms by a bit and did not change the brain pattern at all.

If you are looking for a permanent solution that actually remediates the cause of the problem, look no further. Neurofeedback is your solution.

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