If Your Man Watches Porn (& You Think It’s A Problem): 3 Steps to Take Immediately & Why.
Upset because your man watches porn, but don’t know if it’s really a problem? Don’t know what to do about it either way? I am talking to you, the woman in his life, because if a man has a porn problem, he most likely doesn’t know it and absolutely cannot admit it to himself, never mind you.
I care deeply for you, for your relationship, for your ability to be with your man authentically. I want everyone to achieve that and to have families that learn to do the same thing. Porn kills all of that. That is why I am here writing this blog post. Don’t believe me?
Consistently watching porn creates a neurological problem. It hard-wires the brain to need excessively high levels of sexual stimulation to feel pleasure. Unfortunately, then sex within your relationship will no longer give your man the same levels of stimulation. At the same time those high levels of stimulation make your man’s brain want to go back for more and more. Actually, need is a better word than more. Your man will eventually need to go back more often for more graphic pron to just be able to feel good in the world. Regularly consuming porn has been proven to put people at-risk for addiction, relationship, sexual and intimacy problems in the moment and more and more as life goes on.
Another big reason I am here talking with you is because what most people don’t know is that casual porn watching is shifting into porn addiction more than ever because of what is being called the Triple A’s: Accessibility, Affordability, and Anonymity. Watching porn has become one of the easiest ways for men (and some women) to escape life. It is so dangerous because once you start watching, if it grabs you, you are screwed. Porn will pull you in hard for a lifetime of sexual and relationship problems. Many people tell you, “my man watches porn and it’s no big deal.” What is a big deal for one is not a big deal for someone else. Just like one person can have a drink or two with no problems and others become alcoholics after years of drinking.
Why are Porn Watching Problems Increasing?
In today’s day and age, many young people are becoming desensitized to the images of exceptionally wild, adventurous, and sometimes violent sexual experiences that are being broadcast across the web. It is making people think that porn is what sex is supposed to be like between actual partners. Many times, it can’t be. The extreme levels that are in porn are not usually sustainable by healthy women, or men, who are looking for a relationship. Porn is founded on the objectification of men and women both. Most times, what people are watching in porn is fantasy. It is not intimacy. In healthy relationships sex should be fun, of course, but it should be about intimacy, not just arousal. Especially, not just arousal of one person at the expense of another.
Learn All You Can
I am here to teach you how your man’s brain has been hi-jacked if he has a true issue with porn. The only way to get him back is to fix the way his brain is running. Don’t believe me? Join my course below. It will enlighten you to the changes that happen within the brain and many men’s experiences of those changes. In this course, I quickly and easily teach you about the nature of the hi-jacked porn brain and why it must continue in its course until it gets the right help. It has to do with neural pathways. Remember the more a neural pathway is used, the more embedded it becomes in the brain. That is why you need to follow these steps now. Your first step is to join this course so you can learn what the deal is in the brain and get some scientific information. Then I point you in the right direction to get the right help. Join the course now.

My Man Watches Porn, What Do I Do?: 3 Steps to Take Immediately & Why.
Upset by your man’s porn watching but don’t know if it’s really a problem? Don’t know what to do about it either way?
You probably don’t know that a “hi-jacked brain” is at the root of compulsive porn watching. Also, porn watching gets worse over time, so it is best to act now if you have a gut feeling this is a problem.
Five lessons will teach you everything you need to know about porn watching to decide if it is a problem and what to do about it. Also, light will be shed on what you are feeling, and what to do next:
(1) How Do I know If My Man’s Porn Watching is a Problem?
(2) Understanding Porn Watching and Sexual Addiction.
(3) What You are Going Through as a Spouse or Partner.
(4) You are Not Crazy! How the Process Will Likely Unfold.
(5) Getting the Right Help Right Now.
This short course is designed for women of all ages to empower you to free yourself from this ever-growing problem for couples and families.