Porn Recovery 3 Stages

Just like life, porn recovery is a journey. Specifically, porn recovery stages are divided into three. The process is not for the weak either. If you have been watching porn and masturbating for a long time, it may take a while for you to un-wire the pattern in your brain that is bringing you back for more and more. But it is possible. In fact, it can be easier than ever if you get your brain in the right spot. I am here to tell you that porn recovery has three stages. I am sorry to say that it will not happen overnight. It will take time, energy, and patience.

The consequences of porn use have probably already entered many different facets of your life without you knowing. Your energy and engagement with the world might be lowered, your relationships are deteriorating just a bit, and your potential is fading. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Porn Obsession Due To High Libido, You Wish

I know many men who like to blame a porn obsession on a high libido. I know you wish that were true because it would be a great ego boost. Unfortunately, it is not. Often that is not the case at all. Most time, it is rooted in deep-seated issues stemming back to their childhood.

3 Stages of Porn Recovery

Different stages of the recovery process may require different focuses and strategies. The basic principles remain the same but as you grow and progress, you should be adapting your plan and actions accordingly. It is very important to work with a professional who is completely aware of where you are in your porn recovery. This coach can help you by giving you exactly what you need to do, in that phase, to have the most success.

The fact is, porn recovery is almost never a straight line. If you’ve been at this a while, you’ve probably been in any or all of the phases at some point. That doesn’t matter. What does matter is where you are right now and where you are going to go from here.


Stage One of Porn Recovery

During this beginning phase of realizing porn use might actually be a problem, you may come up against a great deal of negativity. You might justify, rationalize, and minimize your porn habit. You might lie to your partner to keep it secret. You lie to your partner because you are lying to yourself. You don’t want to have a problem with porn. Who would? This hardest part can be realizing you need help.

Likely you are feeling ashamed, your partner might know and is threatening to leave, your work is suffering, all you want is to get back to the flickering screen so you can feel better. You are angry, frustrated, and no clue how to solve the problem.

Porn has gotten a hold of your life and is messing it up. There is no way to back out of the predicament. I am sorry to tell you, the way out is through. However, there is a silver lining. You probably won’t believe me, and you definitely won’t be able to realize it until you are well on your way in recovery, but, there is a better version of yourself in there. I can help you find him.

The other huge issue you could be facing is isolation. When life feels this out of control, the worst thing you can do is try to go it alone. If you don’t have someone in your life you can talk to about this stuff, start looking. It is essential that you get this out into the light where it will begin to disappear. When you keep porn use secret, hidden in the dark, it feeds itself and grows stronger.


So, How Can You Gain Momentum in Phase One?

This phase may require more structure than the others. Look at your routine and stay away from times, places, and on-line portals to your problem. You may have to re-arrange your schedule, furniture, and stop using social media, watching Netflix, or drinking too much. Determine the slippery slopes that lead you into your porn habit. Then stay off of them.

Learn What is Happening in Your Brain to Break Free from Porn

Obviously, I am a huge proponent of learning about the brain mechanisms that underly porn use. Once you understand that you are not necessarily “choosing” to watch porn you can look at it differently. I have heard so many men say, I was just born sexual like this. That is not true. Porn hijacked your brain a long time ago and you don’t even know that you haven’t been in control. When you listen to the voice that is telling you to consume, give it a different face, not yours. When you see it as a hijacker telling you what to do, it will make it easier to recover.

Train Your Brain to Succeed with Porn Recovery with Neuro Training

Your brain is operating in a mode that will keep your obsessive and compulsive thoughts about porn and sex going. You need to train your brain to operate in a different mode. Neuro Training and Coaching is simply the fastest and easiest way to change the way your brain is working. When your brain works better, your recovery will be faster and easier.

Focus on Small Wins in Porn Recovery

Stay focused on your daily small wins. Celebrate them. Take it one day at a time and use neuroscience to propel you to the next day of success. For more information on how small wins can help you, read the blog post on the Brain Power of Small Wins.


Stage Two of Porn Recovery

Now it’s time to start expanding your strategies. You’ve learned a lot, and you’re doing some really good things. However, you might be having trouble gaining some real long-term traction. If you find yourself having slips and relapses, then you need to examine why this happening so that you can push through and keep moving forward.

Try to start examining your setbacks more in-depth, look at how you felt before and after each one. What were you doing before your setback? How was your day going? Are there other habits, such as video gaming, eating junk food, drinking, etc., that you are overindulging in that lead you to watching porn? Are they happening in the same places, with the same devices?

Have You Instilled New Habits?

At this point in your recovery, you will need to count on your positive habits to not only fill your time but your mental space. Stay out of danger zones and stay in routines that promote positive recovery. Get on purpose for lasting success. When your days are filled with purposeful work, relationships and hobbies it is easier to enjoy them and not need to escape.

What About Setbacks?

At this point, you may still have some setbacks, but they should be fewer and farther between. BUT, this does not mean you are out of the woods yet. This is still a time to stay vigilant. You will need to start examining some of the deeper issues of your porn habit at this point. This can be hard for some people. They don’t want to look under the carpet where they swept all the dirt. Alas, it is necessary so you can move through. This is a time for patience and thoughtful contemplation.

Try to see past the basic urges and look at what is driving you to watch porn. Establish and practice your in-the-moment reactions to triggers and temptations when they occur. When you are successful, celebrate. This will hard-wire your brain in the right direction toward greater future success. Call a friend or an accountability partner during the rough times. Hopefully, before you submit to temptation, but if not, then after. After a slip, break it down and learn from it. Our best learning comes from the challenging moments in life.


Stage Three of Porn Recovery

During this stage, you are likely gaining some success and seeing longer streaks of not acting out. This is a time to check-in mentally. Have you broken the mental processes that are involved in your cycle? If your mind is still active in seeking out sexual stimuli, there may be more work to do to break the cycle. Sometimes this stage can be just as difficult because it comes with its own set of obstacles in maintaining your success.

Stay vigilant. Don’t let down your guard. Check-in with your mate. Be honest with your partner. Continue with your positive practices so you don’t slide back.


Related: Porn Has You By the Brain (5 Signs)


Watch Out For Backward Rationalization.

Remember, rationalizing, minimizing, and justifying got you into this situation in the first place. Lying made it worse. Do not fall for the hijacker if he tells you it is OK to watch a little porn to see if you can handle it. You can’t. He is lying to you. No matter how you spin it, this type of rationale is the same. The “just this one-time” mentality got you stuck in bad habits in the first place. Tell the hijacker to hit the road. He probably tells you that you deserve a reward for your hard work. Yes, you do. But that reward is not porn. Reward yourself with something healthy. Have some sea salt and dark chocolate carmelettes. They are to die for!

Keep Using Brain Hacks for Success Along the Way

Even after long streaks of victories, things like urges, depression, anxiety, or triggers can crop up regularly. In fact, it is just about guaranteed to occur. Don’t get discouraged. Your brain is stronger than it used to be. You can handle it. Every time you resist an urge, your brain gets stronger. The challenges along the way are opportunities to strengthen your brain and your resolve. Keep moving forward. As you build personal resilience and positive connections, you will have the capacity to avoid and withstand them.

Why Bother with Porn Recovery Stages?

I will tell you why. One word. Neuroplasticity. If you keep watching porn and masturbating, your brain will suffer. Studies show that your brain will shrink and have less neural activity. This will improve your ability to think, make good decisions, interact with others, be happy, and so on. You definitely don’t want that. So, stay the course. Strengthen your brain.

How Dr. Trish Leigh Can Help You.

Through specialized neuroscientific technology and techniques, Dr. Trish Leigh can help you shift your brain from its current operating mode to the new, improved mode of calm, focus.

Join me for your Porn-Free Brain Forever Program. Not only will you enjoy the process, but you will also end up a better version of yourself too. Read all about the Neuro training program which includes individual coaching. If it feels good to you, I would love to help you accomplish your goals.

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Learn the three simple steps to improve your brain and life today.


Don’t miss out on Dr. Trish’s new book: Mind Over Explicit Matter