qEEG Brain Map Assessment

Stop Struggling and Surviving. Find Out What Your Brain Needs to Overcome Anxiety, Arousal Dysfunction, Internet Addiction, Attention Issues and More. It is time to THRIVE.

Want to Work Directly with Dr. Trish Leigh?
This is the First Step. Get Started Now.

Now you can have your brain assessed AT HOME with easy-to-use, state-of-the-art technology.

If you have tried everything to overcome your anxiety, attention, arousal, and addiction issues and nothing has permamently helped. Look no further. You are in the right place. A qEEG Brain Map with Dr. Trish Leigh shows you exactly how your brain performance is at the root of your struggles. You can see WHY you are suffering with your own eyes.

Dr. Leigh can point you in the direction of overcoming your challenges. Don’t suffer in silence. Without a qEEG Brain Map you will not know what your brain needs to conquer. 

It is so easy to complete your brain map at home. Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) shows you how your brain is functioning. Then, you spend up to one hour with Dr. Trish Leigh analyzing your brain performance pattern and connecting it to your history and life situation. Dr. Leigh will help you understand why your symptoms are happening to you and what can be done to reduce or alleviate them. 

You can get all the information you need to start today. It really is that simple.



You start with a top-tier assessment to understand how your brain performance contributes to your symptoms, sleep issues, stress, addictions, and more. Meet personally and privately with Dr. Trish Leigh. She can help you.

High-Tech. Analysis

Dr. Leigh will take the time to analyze and share visually how your brain is performing and what it can do to perform better. You will also learn if your brain pattern is associated with any symptoms or diagnoses Then you will know how to rock out your best life.

Brain Training

Then, using our advanced Brain Shift online Neurofeedback Platform, you will get all of the high-tech training and support from Dr. Leigh & Co. that you need to achieve a stronger, better brain. Elite technology and Dr. Leigh's compassionate support will help you get results quickly.

Neuro Coaching

Coaching sessions with Dr. Trish Leigh will assure you that you are on the right track to achieve the brain performance you need to feel and perform better. Dr. Leigh will give you 3 personal coaching strategies designed specifically for your needs. Feel better fast.

Why Would I Want a qEEG Brain Map Assessment?

Simply put, so you can see how your brain performance impacts your body, mind, and adds to the symptoms that you are experiencing. Knowledge is power. Dr. Leigh can help you know how to move forward.

Then you can make your brain work better so you feel and perform better. It is that simple.

You might not realize that your brain performance is impacting how you feel and how you perform. If you struggle with anxiety, lack of focus, erectile dysfunction, or internet addiction, or any other brain-based challenge (see the list below), then your brain is using a dysfunctional brain performance pattern. The healthy, optimal brain performance pattern is one of calm focus and allows seamless self-regulation.

If you do not feel calm and focused and are unable to do things you want to do, then your brain has room for improvement. You can see how it can improve using a four-point assessment.

Want More INformation?

Schedule your Discovery Session with Dr. Trish Leigh today to see if you qualify as a strong candidate. In the session:

1. How your brain is impacting your life. 

2. What your brain needs to perform better. 

3. Answers to all your questions about how Dr. Leigh can help YOU.

Dr. Leigh works only with clients who highly qualify for her services. Talk with her personally to see if it is a good fit for you.

($149.00 deposit, applied to your program upon enrollment)

Three reasons to have your brain evaluated:

Get the help you need with top-tier technology and elite guidance from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Want to work with Dr. Trish Leigh? This is the first step.

Who Benefits from a qEEG Brain Map Evaluation?

Honestly, everyone.

But, our special qEEG brain map assessment helps to visually display the brain performance pattern at the root of your challenge.

Dr. Trish helps people with ADHD, anxiety, erectile dysfunction, internet addictions, and more. 






Our brain cells communicate through electrical impulses which make up your brain performance pattern.

These different patterns are associated with states of mind and body, from memory problems, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, addiction, depression, traumatic brain injury (TBI), PTSD, and other mental health conditions.

Using a high-tech brain-sensing headband, our system can read how your brain is performing and display it visually for you to understand, with Dr. Trish Leigh’s help of course.

The brain pattern that you use affects your thoughts and feelings.

You can have a pattern of excessive fast-speed use in the brain that might contribute to anxiety or a low magnitude of power that contributes to poor focus. You can see different brain map types below.

The good news is that you can encourage the use of a new brain performance pattern using technology and behavioral neuro coaching.

You can teach your brain to alter its performance pattern by adjusting the speeds it uses throughout your day and life. This is one of neurofeedback brain training’s primary goals. The first step is to measure your current brain pattern behavior using a brain rewire assessment, which provides a baseline brain performance assessment. This way, you know how your brain is performing before you start training it. You can see, with your own eyes, how it is contributing to your symptoms and challenges.

Using the specialized headband Dr. Trish Leigh can read how your brain is performing anywhere in the world using Electroencephalogram (EEG).

Dr. Trish Leigh analyzes the EEG results of your data to identify problematic patterns and generate a visual representation of the findings. Dr. Leigh can see how your brain is affecting your life, and she shares the results with you in a live meeting. 

See if you Qualify.

Schedule your Discovery Session with Dr. Trish Leigh today to see if you qualify as a strong candidate. In the session:

1. How your brain is impacting your life. 

2. What your brain needs to perform better. 

3. Answers to all your questions about how Dr. Leigh can help YOU.

Dr. Leigh works only with clients who highly qualify for her services. Talk with her personally to see if it is a good fit for you.

($149.00 deposit, applied to your program upon enrollment)

Depending upon how your brain is performing to contribute to your symptoms, your brain map will look different with different color patterns.

Steps for the qEEG Brain Map Assessment

Using our specialized, premier remote brain mapping system, you will receive a full qEEG brain map. You can perform it yourself in under 30 minutes at home.

qEEG Brain Map Benefits

What Will My Brain Map Look Like?

It is hard to tell specifically what your individual brain map will look like.

However, here are some examples of common brain maps associated with anxiety, attention, and internet addiction issues. The below brain maps are actual client brain maps used with permission. 

Anxiety Brain Map

Anxiety is created and perpetuated using extra fast brain speed High Beta. In this map, you can see that High Beta is being used with 3 times the magnitude a healthy brain should use. This makes a person feel anxious, rushed, and overwhelmed.

This brain map is associated primarily with:

  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • PTSD
  • OCD
  • Eating Disorders
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Tinnitus
  • Misophonia
  • Insomnia and Sleep Issues

ADHD & Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders Brain Map

Ok, I know what you are thinking, isn’t that a big category? Well, yes, it is. However, there is a good reason. If you, or your child, struggle with ADHD, learning challenges, or another neurodevelopmental challenge it is because the brain is using too much slow processing speed, Theta, in a specific area of the brain.

The map above shows slowing in the frontal lobe which primarily impacts attention and results in ADHD. If this pattern occurs in the speech areas of the brain, speech is impaired. Movement is impacted if it affects the motor cortex, and so on. The pattern of excessive slow speed in the brain, which I refer to as “braking in the brain” is the culprit for many developmental delays and disorders.

At the same time, if you or a loved one is experiencing a neurodegenerative disorder it is Theta, slow speed, that is at the source. When the brain slows down prematurely, issues result. Acquired neurological issues, such as stroke, can also create excessive slowing in the brain that can result in cognitive, physical, and mental health issues.

This brain map is associated primarily with:

  • ADHD / ADD
  • Learning Challenges
  • Nystagmus
  • Stroke
  • Aphasia
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Brain Fog
  • Reactive Attachment
  • Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • Speech and Language Disorders

Low Focus Brain Map

Low Beta is the medium-fast brain speed that helps you to focus and get things done. Difficulty focusing, low motivation, and brain fog may result from too little low beta power as seen on this brain map indicated in blue. When we increase your low beta power you feel great and can think clearly.

This brain map is associated with:

  • Focus Issues
  • Brain Fog
  • Sensory Processing Disorders
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Concussion and Head Injury
  • Physical and Emotional Trauma
  • Betrayal Trauma
  • Autoimmune Disorders

Internet Addiction Brain Map

I refer to Alpha medium brain speed as “couch mode”. If you use the internet compulsively, especially with explicit content, it floods your brain with the pleasure-seeking neurochemical dopamine.

This dopamine deluge increases the use of Alpha, medium brain speed, so you feel good. With consistent use, alpha speed sustains an increased magnitude of 3 times too much and can create feelings of depression, low motivation, brain fog, and more.

At lower levels, gaming and technology can produce a similar brain map with similar cognitive and mental challenges.

This brain map is primarily associated with:

  • Internet Addiction
  • Explicit Internet Addictions
  • Gaming Addiction
  • Technology Addiction

How Do I Know My Brain Has Improved and Healed?

Well, it’s easy.
You can see it with your own eyes.

Of course, you feel it too. Your newfound sense of calm focus will be validated by the improvements visualized in your brain map. 


"For anyone hesitating to enter into the next step to recovery, here are some things to consider. Are YOU not worth investing in? From my personal experience, it was the best choice I could have made to begin focusing on taking better care of my mind and body. They are both connected. Through the Qeeg brain map, Dr. Trish Leigh was able to explain to me what she observed about my brain and how to move forward in the healing process. If you are worried about the cost, stop. Think. Quality of life directly relates to state of mind. Accessing an improved state of mind is within your reach! All you need is someone with the knowledge to show you how to unlock your full potential. Dr. Trish Leigh and her team will guide you through your healing journey to a successful recovery if you put in the work. You’re in good hands."

Discover how Neurofeedback Coaching with Dr. Trish Leigh can heal your brain and improve your life.

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