Discover Which Type of Internet User You Are

Are you finding it hard to step away from your devices? Does it feel like your internet usage is taking over your life? Internet addiction is becoming more and more common. Research shows that it’s affecting personal well-being, relationships, and mental health. But here’s the good news: you can break freeLet’s figure out which type of internet user you are and how you can take control of your screen time.

The Three Types of Internet Users

Addictive Internet Users

You struggle with external conflicts, friends and family may tell you that you’re always disconnected from reality and connected to your device. Internally, you feel guilty or frustrated because you can’t seem to stop. Philosophically, you might question how much of your life is being lost to mindless scrolling. This type of internet use often leads to withdrawal symptoms, irritability, and difficulty finding satisfaction in real-life experiences.


Problematic Internet Users

You don’t completely lose control, but your screen time is still causing issues. Maybe you’re avoiding tasks, procrastinating, or missing out on meaningful interactions. Internally, you feel a sense of conflict because you know you should spend less time online but can’t seem to make it happen. Your relationship with the internet might be less extreme, but it’s still not healthy.


Normal Internet Users

Even if your internet habits are relatively balanced, it’s important to stay mindful. You might find yourself being pulled into the screen more than you’d like, and it could gradually interfere with your relationships and productivity. The goal is to maintain that balance.

Why Understanding Your Internet Use Matters

When your screen time starts controlling you, it can be frustrating. Whether it’s impacting your relationships, work, or mental health, it’s time to take action.


Dr. Trish Leigh, a leading expert in neurofeedback and brain health, has dedicated her career to helping people overcome internet addiction. With years of experience and proven results, she can help you regain control through advanced, science-backed methods like qEEG brain mapping and our neurofeedback coaching program. 

Simple Steps to Reclaim Control of Your Internet Use

Ready to start your journey? Here’s a step-by-step plan to help you break free from unhealthy internet habits.


1: Identify Your Internet Use Habits

Reflect on your screen time. Are you an addictive, problematic, or normal user? Awareness is the first step toward change.


2: Test for Withdrawal Symptoms

Step away from your devices for three days. Do you feel irritable or anxious? If so, these may be signs of internet withdrawal.


3: Get a qEEG Brain Map Assessment

If you’re serious about making a change, a qEEG brain map assessment will give you insights into your brain’s activity and highlight unhealthy patterns driving your internet use. This non-invasive assessment can reveal how to improve your brain function and reduce your dependence on screens.


4: Start Neurofeedback Coaching

After your brain map, Dr. Leigh will determine if you qualify for neurofeedback and will guide you through brain training exercises designed to correct unhealthy brain patterns. By retraining your brain, you can reduce your cravings for screen time and restore balance to your life.


5: Develop Healthier Coping Mechanisms

Instead of turning to the internet to escape stress or boredom, try healthier alternatives like exercising, pursuing hobbies, or spending time with loved ones.

Don’t Wait Until Tomorrow, Make A Change Today!

You don’t have to continue feeling overwhelmed by your internet habits. Take action today, sign up for a qEEG brain map assessment and discover the root causes of your internet use patterns. With a customized neurofeedback coaching program, you’ll get the tools you need to retrain your brain and regain control over your life.

The Consequences of Inaction: What’s at Stake?

If you choose not to take control of your internet habits, the consequences can go beyond just wasted time, they could be severe. You could experience a decline in your mental health, such as increased anxiety or depression. Your personal relationships may suffer as you become more disconnected from real-life interactions. Internet addiction can also lead to physical and mental health challenges, including poor sleep and chronic stress.

What Happens When You Do Take Action

When you take control of your internet habits, you’ll experience more meaningful relationships, greater mental clarity, and improved focus. You can live a life free from the compulsive pull of screens.


Are you ready to reclaim your life? Control your brain, or it will control you.

Start today by scheduling a qEEG brain map assessment and see how neurofeedback coaching can help you. You can finally break free from internet addiction and live a more fulfilling life.

Also, check out Dr. Leigh’s YouTube videos for more detailed insights and guidance.

Three Types of Internet Users: Which One Are You? –


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