Home Neurofeedback Coaching Program
You don't have to struggle anymore. You can thrive through advanced neuroscience technology and coaching strategies with the guidance of world-class brain health coach Dr. Trish Leigh.Chronic issues such as internet addiction, anxiety, ADHD, and illness can keep you in a loop of anguish and despair.
I’m Dr. Trish Leigh, and I want to help you get off the rollercoaster.
For the past 25 years, I have used cutting-edge technology and neuroscience principles to help thousands of clients to feel better fast and get the desired results they deserve. I want to help you, too.
What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback uses EEG, electroencephalogram, technology to measure your brain performance pattern and provide feedback in real-time using visual and auditory cues. This is done through games and videos that you can play and watch on your smartphone or tablet. The idea is that, by getting real-time feedback of your brain activity, you’ll have the inherent regulation skills necessary to have more control over your emotional, cognitive, and physical states. Essentially, you can feel and perform better when your brain works better.
This technology has been used in clinics for decades to alleviate the symptoms of various conditions, including addictions, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, and traumatic brain injuries, and to improve performance and enhance one’s overall well-being.
Using the specialized brain-sensing headband placed on the head, the technology reads how your brain performs. The headband provides continuous visual/audio feedback and rewards the brain for performing better.
Neurofeedback is a safe, evidence-based modality with no side effects. Over time, with consistent training across 4 – 6 months, you will learn to train your brain performance patterns and, in turn, achieve your desired brain goals and improve your performance and well-being.
Neurofeedback coaching with me, Dr. Trish Leigh, is different than most. Using my high-level knowledge and skills, I can personalize your program specifically for your needs. Then I share measurable data in the form of graphs and charts to show you the improvements in your brain performance. You can see it with your own eyes. My clients enjoy visual substantiation of the improvements they feel.
Once you see the changes, I will help you use that new, improved brain pattern. I will give you coaching strategies using specialized techniques during our monthly coaching calls. You will have the high-tech. tools and professional support that you need to succeed. As your symptoms alleviate, your confidence grows.
Want to know how Neurofeedback can help you?
Don’t stay stuck feeling hopeless, not knowing what to do.
Schedule a private discovery session with Dr. Trish Leigh to find out.
Get insight into your situation from a neuroscience perspective, learn what your brain needs to heal, and a discover a clear path froward.
($29.00 deposit, applied to your program upon enrollment)
Neurofeedback, or EEG biofeedback, is a non-invasive Neurotherapy which helps you train your brain so you can enhance your brain health and improve your performance.
It’s kind of like exercise, but for your brain!
Who is Remote Neurofeedback for?
Neurofeedback is an exercise for the brain. It allows you to train your brain to strengthen the healthy pattern for calm focus and diminish those brain patterns that result in anxiety, lack of focus, and poor performance.
Neurofeedback, or electroencephalography (EEG) guided biofeedback in medical terms, is a non-invasive way to measure and control your brain performance pattern. This form of brain training rewires your brain to produce the pattern that creates a calm focus. This way, you can think and act in sharper yet more relaxed ways.
Feedback comes in the form of sounds. Your brain learns to recognize these signals as rewards and repeat what is being rewarded—the emergence of healthier brain performance patterns. With practice comes improvements in how you feel. Since brain performance influences your behavior, sensations, and emotions, neurofeedback helps to reduce stress, improve concentration, and strengthen performance in all areas.
Neurofeedback has been used
to help people reduce the following symptoms:
- Anxiety
- Addiction
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Depression
- Tinnitus
- Sleep Disorders / Insomnia
- Toxic Mold Poisoning
- Many other neurological disorders
Home Neurofeedback & Coaching Program
Unlimited Personalized Remote Neurofeedback Sessions.
Individualized Program to Meet Your Needs and Train Your Brain.
Real-Time Responsive Changes in Your Training Program to Move You Forward Faster.
Streaming & YouTube Access for Relaxing, Easy Brain Training Sessions with a Highly Specialized App.
Initial New Member's Meeting
Monthly Meetings with a Certified Brain Health Expert to Help You Move This Process.
Brain Training Transition Plan to continue on your own.
It All Starts with Your Brain Rewire Assessment
Just $899 per month for unlimited access.
Including BONUSES!
- Lifetime Access to the Control Your Brain Digital program.
$399 Value | See Details Here
This way you also have all of the neuroscience strategies you need to succeed.
- Daily & Monthly Progress Graph to see your brain's improvements over time.
- Discount for additional family members
Do you want maximum change with minimum time and effort?
Then this premium program is the one for you.
Work with Dr. Trish Leigh & Co. and use top-tier technology to get the results you want and need quickly. It’s used primarily to help people reduce the following symptoms: ADHD, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, Tinnitus, Addiction, Sleep Disorders/Insomnia, Toxic Mold Poisoning, and many other neurological disorders.
We start with an assessment (qEEG Brain Map) to gain a better understanding of how your brain performance is contributing to your lack of focus, sleep issues, stress, and more.
Then, using our advanced Brain Shift online training Neurofeedback platform, you will get all of the training and support you need to achieve a stronger, better brain.
We will then take the time to analyze and share visually how your brain is performing and what it can do to perform better. You will also learn if your brain pattern is associated with any symptoms or diagnoses.
Check In
Check-ins with Dr. Trish Leigh's team will assure you that you are on the right track to achieving the brain performance you need to feel and perform better.
Find out if Neurofeedback with Dr. Leigh is right for you!
Schedule a private discovery session NOW.
($29.00 deposit, applied to your program upon enrollment)
Brain Rewire Assessment
Performed At-Home By You, Interpreted by World-Class Neuro Coach, Dr. Trish Leigh
Each person I meet with during an assessment is blown away that we can actually see how their brain is performing. It truly is remarkable. I can see if your brain is using the performance pattern for anxiety, internet addiction, ADHD, depression, and more. I show you so you can see it too. Together we explore your brain and life story to get to the root of your issues to find the solution.
How can you see into my brain? A Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) Brain Map shows us.
In your assessment, you will have a Comprehensive qEEG Brain Map performed. This evaluation presents a visual of your brain performance that is easy to see and understand. Plus, a certified professional will walk you through the result to make sure you know where the work is to be done.