Why Porn is So Dangerous? Process vs Substance Addiction

In this video, Dr. Trish Leigh discusses the differences and similarities between process addiction versus substance addiction. Then we’re going to look at the similarities and differences between those two types of compulsion or addictions. Lastly, she will explain why pornography has been shown to be far worse when it comes to behavioral or process addiction.


Process vs Substance

Substance addictions are mainly drug use and alcohol use that can become addictive. Therefore, you have to ingest something into your body so that it impacts your nervous system. Generally, when people go towards addictions it’s to help them take the edge off of negative emotions. So when you take a couple of drinks at the end of the week to relieve some stress you get the compulsion to do it again.

Secondly, is a process or behavioral addiction you don’t have to put anything into your system. You engage in a behavior and that behavior has a process grounding it like a routine. Therefore, with this type of addiction, drug use has been internalized. In today’s generation internet addictions, which include photography addictions are a behavior. You go on the internet and you might get a flood of dopamine.


How are these addictions similar?

They both involve taking over your time and energy. When a person has an addiction whether it’s to a behavior or substance they make time in their world to towards the thing that gave them a good feeling. Next, the substance or behavior is used as an escape mechanism. Therefore, escaping negative emotions. Thirdly, compulsively seeking the high. You’ll have to consume more and more to get the same feeling. What comes along with that is withdrawal symptoms when you try to leave the behavior or substance behind. The withdrawal symptoms can be mental, psychological, or physiological. Those are the similarities between a process and substance addiction.

More Information

If you’re interested in learning the solutions for process and substance addictions, then watch the video above. However, if you’re ready to quit porn for good and get the support you need, then join the Porn-Free Brain Forever program orĀ youtube channel.



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