5 Main Neurofeedback Training Factors for Success as a Provider

There are a wide variety of clinical factors that impact your client’s training success. However, there are crucial neurofeedback training factors that facilitate training and help your clients achieve their goals. In the past, the therapeutic alliance between the patient and provider has helped a client be successful. That alliance can vary from patient to patient and thus is not a reliable mechanism to ensure success. Many clinical factors cannot be controlled in a day to day setting. In this article, we will explore the factors that can help you become successful.

5 Main Neurofeedback Training Factors for Success

Five main factors have been identified by a scientific study to be key players in the success of a person engaging in Neurofeedback Brain Training. They are as listed below: 

  • Feedback Modality Type 
  • Neurofeedback Training Intensity 
  • Protocol – EEG band(s) chosen to be trained by the provider 
  • Number of frequency bands and combination used for training
  • Position of sensors used for training


Types of Feedback Within Neurofeedback Training

In this research study, it was found that there was not a major difference in training success based upon feedback modality. Therefore, if a client trains using visual feedback only, auditory feedback only, or both. Success rates are likely to be near the same. However, that is not the case for training intensity.


Neurofeedback Training Intensity

When it comes to the intensity of training, more is more. Training intensity is measured by the number of sessions that happen consecutively without break days. However consistent, frequent training, especially at the beginning of a neurofeedback program. Can help the neuroplastic brain changes begin to happen and to take root. 

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Neurofeedback EEG-Frequency Bands Trained for Success

Theta and Alpha bands were found to have the most positive rates in Neurofeedback Training success. Theta changes in the brain showed up as the most positive behavioral changes for clients. Alpha changes showed up the least. I have learned that small changes in Alpha can produce big changes in mood, motivation, and cognition. However, I have also learned that these changes are a bit more precarious. They are more susceptible to the unmeasurable training factors determined by the study. Such as personal traits and beliefs about training. The amount of time a person has struggled with the impact of their Alpha driven challenges can also affect their quick success from training. 

Number of Frequency Bands and Combination 

More is not more when it comes to frequency bands trained in Neurofeedback. Especially when the frequency bands are near to each other they can pull each the desired bands in the wrong direction. For example, if you are training Alpha up and Theta down. Those two frequency bands are right next to each other in the bandwidth of brain energy. So, you are basically telling one to increase and the band directly next door to decrease. This can cancel out the effect. 

On the same accord, if you train Alpha up at site location C4 and down at site location C3. You run the risk of pitting the two locations against each other. In this example, C3 wants to go down and his neighbor is trying to go up. They are opposing forces. For some people, this has been shown to decrease success. 

To create greater success, focusing on one band at a time, or bands that might work in concert in an adjacent location can help facilitate the cause. 

Position of Neurofeedback Sensors

Positioning Neurofeedback sensors based upon the client’s brain performance pattern. This was found to be one of the most important factors for successful training. This parameter shows how important an initial brain map is for the guidance of successful training. 

Based upon the map, the areas of greatest need for training can be identified and then trained. If the areas are properly identified by a trained provider and then the correct protocol is chosen as outlined above. Therefore, higher success rates are likely. 


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How Neurofeedback Success is Measured

Neurofeedback success is measured within patients by changes in the monitored EEG bands and the amplitude ratios between the manipulated bands before and after training. This means is that if a client has excessive High Beta magnitude at the beginning of training and is using more High Beta than Alpha and Low Beta magnitude. Success would be measured as a decrease in High Beta and a lowering of the amplitude below Alpha and Low Beta. 

In the case of ADHD, the theta to the beta ratio (TBR) is the biomarker that needs to be improved. However, a person with ADHD has a high TBR. Neurofeedback training would be geared to lower the theta magnitude. Increase the beta magnitude, and balance the ratio between the two. This is all measured using the data provided by the Neurofeedback system, Neurofeedback trend screen analysis. 

Success, in the study, was measured after a given number of sessions, not long-term. Long-term success can be gauged by comparing the client’s trend screens within a maintenance program over the long haul. Checking in with patients to also make sure they are still experiencing the behavioral gains associated with their new, better, brain pattern can be important too. 

For more tips on creating success and having your brain maps and TranScreens read and analyzed, join Neurofeedback Experts.

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