ADHD: A Journey to Life Transformation

Have you ever wondered why some people struggle with attention and focus while others easily navigate life? What if we told you that ADHD is more than just an attention challenge? It manifests in countless ways, creating significant struggles in a person’s life. The good news is that there is a way forward, and you are in the right place to get help!

A Real-Life story 

Imagine feeling limited your entire life, not because of a lack of ability but due to a brain that isn’t functioning optimally. Recently, Dr. Leigh spoke with a client who reflected on the significant impact ADHD has had on his life. In his 50s, he’s grieving the opportunities he feels he missed due to untreated ADHD. 

From struggling in grade school and facing social issues to finding college and work challenging, his life has been a series of battles against his brain. He recalls being held back a grade, dealing with bullying due to hyperactive behaviors, and enduring procrastination and motivation issues throughout his entire adulthood.

The Science Behind ADHD

ADHD is rooted in a dysfunctional, dysregulated brain pattern that we can measure using a qEEG Brain Map Assessment. This brain map highlights the biomarkers of ADD/ADHD, particularly the theta-to-beta ratio.

Theta to Beta Ratio: Theta represents the brain’s slow processing speed, while beta represents the fast processing speed. 

In ADHD, the gap between these speeds is wider than in an optimal brain pattern. This discrepancy leads to attention difficulties, procrastination, and challenges with executive functions like planning and task execution.

The Path to Brain Regulation

Reflecting on his brain map results, our client decided to sign up for professional neurofeedback coaching. Through this technology, we worked together to shift his brain into a new mode, closing the gap between slow and fast processing speeds. 

The results were life-changing. Now, he’s better able to focus, his relationships have improved, and he’s thriving at work. Although he grieves for the lost years, he’s embracing the present and looking forward to the future.

These changes have left him reflecting on what could have been achieved earlier and appreciating his newfound control over his future.

Moving Forward: Your Journey to Thriving

If you’re struggling with ADHD symptoms, the first step is to get a qEEG brain map. This will reveal the core issues affecting your focus and attention. From there, you can embark on a brain training journey at a high professional level or an entry-level approach to move your brain toward optimal functioning.

BONUS: ADHD Causes and Risk Factors

Common misconceptions about ADHD are that it is caused by poor parenting, sugar consumption, or watching too much TV. However, these are not the causes. ADHD is a complex disorder with multiple contributing factors such as;

  • Genetics: ADHD tends to run in families, indicating a strong genetic component.
  • Brain Structure and Function: Differences in brain regions and neurotransmitter activity, particularly involving dopamine, have been observed.
  • Environmental Factors: Prenatal exposure to alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, premature birth, low birth weight, and exposure to environmental toxins can increase risk.


Striving Towards Thriving: LET’S TRY HARD!

Research indicates that closing the gap between surviving and thriving involves a state of striving. Striving benefits your brain and overall well-being because it means you’re actively taking steps to improve your life. 

Even if you stay in the striving phase for a while, it’s far better than merely surviving. Your brain continues to optimize, and you move towards becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be. 

Let your journey to thriving begin NOW! Schedule your qEEG Brain Map Assessment to see if you qualify or visit our home neurofeedback program. Remember: control your brain, or it will control you!

Also, Check out Dr. Leigh’s YouTube videos for more detailed insights and guidance:

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