At Home Neurofeedback

Home Neurofeedback is a relatively new service. Neurofeedback itself is over 65 years old as a treatment modality. But now, with advances in science and technology, which used to be only offered in private healthcare offices, can now be accessed at home. It is actually quite easy and highly effective. 

A specialized app on your phone allows you to watch YouTube videos while your brain is re-wiring itself through video and audio feedback. 

How Can I Help?

I can see your sessions in real-time and I have access to training graphs of every single session you do. This way I can see how your brain is performing within sessions. I can also generate a graph of how your brain is improving over sessions. This way your progress is measurable in every way. You can see it with your own eyes too. Every other week, we meet via zoom. I show you your brain training graphs, and you tell me how you are feeling and performing.  

Now it is easier than ever to train your brain to reduces anxiety, ADHD, and more. Science proves that Home Neurofeedback helps children to self-regulate at home and at school. Kids showed reduced anxiety, and a better ability to control the anxiety they had in multiple environments. Also, blood tests showed that the stress hormone, Cortisol, was even produced with lower levels. That is a measurable difference. 

What is Home Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is an advancement of the traditional approach of biofeedback. Biofeedback enabled a person to use information about how their breathing, muscles, or heart rate was functioning to think about and control the body’s response. Neurofeedback no longer requires the person to actively think about the body. Now, with scientific advancements, information about the brain’s performance is fed back to the person’s brain so that it can improve itself. The person doesn’t even have to be aware of the process. 

How Do I Know Home Neurofeedback is Right for Me?

You use your phone and a specialized app for the Personal Home Neurofeedback program and coaching that I offer. In the app, the first step I perform is your Brain Map. It works like this. Your brain’s speeds are read using high tech. brain sensing headband. The headband uses Electroencephalogram (EEG) to determine which speeds your brain is using the most. If you suffer from anxiety, your brain is using mostly extra fast speed High Beta. High Beta speed creates and perpetuates feelings of anxiousness and stress. 

If you struggle with ADHD, your brain is using too much Theta, slow brain speed. In fact, the headband and app take readings of 31 brain performance parameters. You can see with your own eyes exactly how your brain is performing. The areas that need improvement to make your brain work better, so you feel and perform better. You can see your brain map immediately after it is performed, at home, by you, with our team’s assistance. Our teenage children performed their own brain maps without any assistance. It is that easy. The app walks you through the entire process after our team sets you up for success. 

How Does Home Neurofeedback Work? 

Home Neurofeedback works like this. Once I interpret and analyze your brain map for you, then you completely understand what the goals are for your Neurofeedback at Home Brain Shift program. For anxiety, it is likely we will be reducing High Beta use and increasing Alpha medium speed for calm focus. For ADHD, Theta slow speed will be decreased so you can focus and think better. 

Neurofeedback uses high tech., easy to use, equipment, to read how your brain is performing and teach it to perform better, while you relax and watch videos. I know what you are thinking, that makes no sense. In fact, it does. The movie is designed to give your mind something to do to relax. Don’t like movies? There are games you can play too. When you are more relaxed and engaged, your brain becomes more neuroplastic. This means that your brain is easier to adapt and improve. The movie is important to help Neurofeedback work as well as possible for you.  

What is Included in Home Neurofeedback with Dr. Trish Leigh?

Once you purchase your high tech. state-of-the-art brain sensing headband you are ready to go. When you sign up for your brain map, you can buy it with an exclusive 15% discount. You keep your headband when your Home Neurofeedback program is complete. I will teach you how to use it to maintain your gains, at no cost, after your Home Neurofeedback program. You receive a sensor and access to my specialized Home Neurofeedback program app.

 In the app, you receive daily feedback in the form of charts and graphs that use data to let you know exactly how you are doing in your program. You can see your improvement after every session. On top of that, I meet with you monthly to show you a detailed graph of your progress. In the coaching session, Dr. Trish Leigh will give you strategies and techniques to take your progress one step further. 

How Do I Start?

It is easier and more convenient than ever to get started with Home Neurofeedback Coaching Program. If you are interested in working with Dr. Trish Leigh, visit her program page HERE.

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