The Relationship Between Delayed Ejaculation, Porn, and Masturbation How Do Porn and Masturbation Impact Delayed Ejaculation? Delayed ejaculation is a huge problem for many men…
Can Porn Cause Erectile Dysfunction? Porn Addiction Porn addiction and erectile dysfunction are something millions of men struggle with. While some may think erectile dysfunction…
Dopamine Dungeon What is Dopamine? Dopamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure. Dopamine plays a big role in porn addiction. When consuming porn, the brain…
Change Your Self-Talk to Quit Porn Stop the Negative Self Talk Change your self-talk to quit porn. Often when faced with struggles or stressors, people…
Porn Changes Your Personality What is Personality? To understand how porn changes your personality, it will help to know what the definition of a personality…