How Does Neurofeedback Help Your Practice?

Causes HeadacheMany professionals are now understanding that Neurofeedback can help your practice improve in size, quality, and income. Not only that, but it also will help your clients achieve their goals and refer others. Neurofeedback is completely measurable and provides data to show the client that indeed their brain performance is improving. The reason they are feeling and performing better. Did I mention that your “cool factor” will go up as you offer the state-of-the-art service that is incredibly effective? 

Benefits of Adding Neurofeedback to Help Your Practice Expand

Brain-based therapy that can help many physical, cognitive and psychological challenges (which are actually neurologically-based)

  • Proven effective by scientific studies
  • Measurable data for your patients to see progress
  • Easy and enjoyable process for clients
  • Consulting for practitioners with one of the foremost leaders in the field Neurofeedback (you can learn as much as you want)
  • Increase your income with no additional work
  • It’s a sophisticated service that you will be able to see and have analyzed for you by a professional 

Neurofeedback technology has gotten nicer and more sophisticated in the past 5 years. This makes it the perfect time to have Neurofeedback help your practice reach new levels of achievement. However, there was one stumbling block until now.

How Do I Learn How to Provide Neurofeedback to Help My Practice

Now you don’t need to learn how to provide Neurofeedback in order to be able to do so. Learning how to provide Neurofeedback Therapy isn’t for the faint of heart. It is a high level, involved skill set and knowledge base that takes time, training, and persistence to master. If you want to learn how to become a Neurofeedback Expert, Dr. Trish Leigh can help you. Visit her business development and clinical coaching service pages for more information. However, it takes commitment to get expert-level skills and this can be daunting for many Chiropractors, Psychotherapists, and mental health professionals. Who are already busy running their practice. Thus, Neurofeedback Experts Direct program does it all for you. All you do is refer your patient and learn how he or she is progressing through measurable data. The work is done for you by a trained team of professionals.

What Clients Does Neurofeedback Work For?

As neurofeedback increases in sophistication and becomes recognized as a powerful tool for change, more clients are specifically seeking this training. Many times, clients who suffer from ADHD, anxiety, concussions, and cognitive decline who come looking for the service specifics. But, if you have a niche in your practice. Neurofeedback can be catered to serve many other clients’ needs. For example, it is a powerful tool in combating sleep disorders, addictions, chronic pain, fatigue, and more. By adding neurofeedback to your practice, you will be able to expand your audience and tap into numerous markets simultaneously. It can be fun, engaging, and highly rewarding for you, without the stress of having to know everything about it.


How Much Does it Cost to Get Started As a Neurofeedback Provider?

Traditionally it cost tens of thousands of dollars to get started as a Neurofeedback provider. Because of the increased training and equipment costs associated with becoming a neurofeedback practitioner. Most clinicians take a big risk when they make the decision to offer Neurofeedback. Now it doesn’t cost you anything to get started. In fact, you earn money as your patients sign on for Neurofeedback care without any risks. 

How Much Does Neurofeedback Cost Clients?

It is common for neurofeedback providers to charge $125-$200 per session and anywhere from $100-$800 for an initial qEEG-based assessment. With the advanced Neurofeedback Experts Direct Program, clients pay approximately $1000 for monthly unlimited sessions. This program offers individualized, personalized, professional Neurofeedback services at a great value for clients. 

How Do I Know If Neurofeedback Is Right for My Clients?

More professionals are realizing the most effective way to help people with involved conditions is through a comprehensive, multiple modality approach. Neurofeedback can help your practice grow while serving this need. Most people’s issues stem from the brain. Whether that be neurodevelopmental issues. Like sensory processing challenges and learning challenges, acute or chronic problems. Like a stroke, anxiety, and depression, or neurodegenerative challenges such as Alzheimer’s dementia, and mobility issues. This powerful training can be the difference-maker for clients.

How Do I Know If Neurofeedback Works for My Clients?

Neurofeedback and related techniques, such as Brain Mapping. Allow practitioners to collect data on the change process. By measuring and analyzing initial brain performance patterns, and watching the metrics of that data change over time. You can see how your interventions are impacting the client. The ability to demonstrate brain changes and how they relate to improvements in behavior is important for patients to see. It is also helpful for practitioners to know when and how they can be successful for clients. With the Neurofeedback Experts Direct program, you can see a comparison of a patient’s brain performance activity. In the beginning, middle, and end of treatment. This allows you to see progress with your own eyes.

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