Mastering Screen Time: Balance Work, Play, and Brain Health

In today’s tech-driven world, screens are everywhere: at work, at home, and even for our kids at school. But how much screen time is too much? Dr. Trish Leigh wants to share with you how to create a healthy balanced life with screen time to protect your brain from overstimulation. While screens are necessary for both work and entertainment, overuse can lead to brain patterns that contribute to stress, fatigue, and even addictive behaviors.

The Impact of Screen Overuse

Excessive screen time ramps up brain energy, leading to what we call  “screen brain pattern”. A state of overstimulation that leaves you mentally drained. To avoid this, it’s essential to schedule breaks and balance your screen usage.

The more screen time you allow, the more your brain becomes dependent on this hyperactivity, which can ultimately harm your productivity, sleep, and emotional regulation.

How to Balance Screen Time: The Work-Play-Flow Routine

To protect your brain from overstimulation, you need a sustainable plan for balancing screen use with rest. Dr. Leigh recommends the Work-Play-Flow Routine, a simple yet effective strategy to help you stay productive while taking care of your mental health.:

  1. Take Screenless Breaks: Work for 75 minutes, then take 15-minute breaks without screens. Use this time to get outside, move, or relax.
  2. Reward Your Screen Time: After a productive day, use screens intentionally as a reward—whether for research, social media, or fun. This reinforces a healthy balance between work and play.
  3. Set Evening Screen Limits: Avoid screens two hours before bed to prepare your brain for restful sleep. This is crucial for maintaining good sleep hygiene and mental recovery.

Identify Screen Overuse with qEEG Brain Mapping

If you’re finding it hard to regulate your screen time and its effects, Dr. Leigh offers a powerful solution: qEEG Brain Mapping. This assessment identifies specific brain patterns associated with overstimulation, giving you a clear picture of how screen time affects your mental health.

Through neurofeedback coaching, Dr. Leigh has successfully helped many rewire their brains to improve focus, emotional regulation, and reduce their reliance on screens. This method helps reinforce healthier habits and promotes long-term cognitive benefits.

BONUS: Screen Addiction Quiz!

  • Do you spend a lot of time thinking about The Screen?
  • Is The Screen the most frequent internet visit you make?
  • Have you ever tried to cut back on your use of The Screen?
  • Do you ever lose track of time when you are on The Screen?
  • Do you feel restless or irritable when you try to cut back on your use of The Screen?
  • Have you ever lied about how much time you spend on The Screen?
  • Has The Screen ever interfered with your work, school, or relationships?
  • Do you continue to go into The Screen even when it has had negative consequences on your work or relationships?
  • Do you ever feel guilty, sad, or anxious about going into The Screen?

Take Control of Your Screen Habits Today 

Balancing screen time is a lifelong commitment. By establishing a thoughtful approach to your screen use, you can foster healthier habits that extend into the future. 

Take advantage of neurofeedback and get the support needed to regain control of screen habits, enhance mental well-being, and cultivate a fulfilling lifestyle. 

Schedule a qEEG Brain Map Assessment now to master screen time. Remember: Control your Brain so it doesn’t control you!

Watch now Dr. Leigh’s YouTube video for deeper insights into how screens impact your brain and what you can do to take control:

Understanding the Screen Brain: A Modern Mystery – YouTube

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