Navigate Out of Porn

Navigate Out of Porn

Nature Versus Nurture

When beginning a porn recovery journey, it helps to know what nature versus nurture means.

  • Nature- Nature is how a person is programmed. It’s their predisposition. For example, a person’s brain will operate similarly to their family’s brain.
  • Nurture- Nurture involves the environment one is in. For example, schools, friendships, jobs, and relationships all play a part in a person’s development.

After understanding the difference between nature and nurture, there is a third component to keep in mind as well.

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Navigate Out of Porn

Navigate is the third component. Navigation refers to how people react to their genetics and their environment. It’s how one navigates their nature versus their nurture and is how the brain chooses to react to stress, anxiety, happiness, trauma, and boredom. What is chosen will impact how the brain thinks and how it acts.

Change the Way You Navigate To Quit Porn

Changing the way one reacts to certain environmental factors can change the way people interact with the world around them. It changes how the mind thinks about things– Changing thoughts from a negative perspective to a positive one.

So how does this relate to porn? Porn is a reaction to stress or boredom. So, shifting the way you react to those emotions can help. Instead of watching porn when stressed, try things like exercising, meditating, journaling, painting, or dancing. Every time the urge arises to go to the screen for that release, make a plan, and navigate to a more healthy way of self-soothing.

To learn more, click here.

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