Porn Numbs the Brain

Porn Numbs the Brain

Porn Can Become A Coping Mechanism

When consuming pornography, the brain starts to become numb. The brain uses this feeling to get out of the present, away from reality, and escape from current life struggles. This is a form of dissociation and slowly starts distorting reality.


When attempting to escape this cycle of using porn as a self-soothing mechanism, one needs to do some introspection. Dig deep into life and find the moments of trauma. Instead of escaping the trauma, approach it instead. What is porn being used to numb?


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What Is Porn Numbing?

The answer is usually one of two things:

  1. Repressed feelings or emotions from the past.
  2. The life being currently lived.


When dealing with past or current trauma, the brain is constantly seeking ways to escape and find dopamine. Porn is something that delivers a rush of dopamine at an unhealthy amount. This creates a dependency on the screen that will create stress, anxiety, depression, and brain fog which is how porn numbs the brain.

How to Get Out of the Screen?

The best way for the brain to thrive is by allowing it a healthy amount of dopamine. This means quitting porn. Healthy levels of dopamine can come from things like finding a hobby, spending quality time with friends, seeking out an enjoyable job, or finding a fun way to exercise. The key is to find ways to combine dopamine with serotonin, the happiness neurochemical, and oxytocin, the connection neurochemical. Serotonin is something that is never found in porn. So having only dopamine is going to create issues in all aspects of life.


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