The Shocking Truth About High Libido: Is It Hypersexuality?

Do you find yourself frequently compelled to masturbate, attributing it to a high libido? Perhaps you also struggle with sexual arousal dysfunction (SAD)? or erectile dysfunction (ED)? when you’re with your partner. But here’s the shocking truth:  What you think is “high libido” might actually be hypersexuality. This behavior could be harming your sex life and overall well-being.

What is Hypersexuality?

When most men think they have a “high libido,” what they’re actually experiencing might be hypersexuality. Hypersexuality is identified by the World Health Organization as Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD). This disorder involves compulsive urges to engage in sexual activities such as masturbation, often without the desire or ability to engage sexually with a partner.

According to research, many men mistakenly believe their need to masturbate or consume explicit material is part of a high sex drive. However, this behavior may be a sign of compulsive hypersexuality. Often leading to sexual arousal dysfunction, mood swings, and relationship struggles.

Testosterone and Hypersexuality: 

Testosterone plays a significant role in sexual behavior, but the relationship between testosterone and hypersexuality is complex. Studies show that men with hypersexual tendencies tend to have higher levels of testosterone. But here’s the twist—acting out in hypersexual ways (such as frequent masturbation or consuming pornography) spikes your testosterone, which then feeds into the cycle of compulsive behavior. So, it’s not that high testosterone causes hypersexuality. Instead, hypersexual behavior causes spikes in testosterone, leading to a cycle of heightened sexual urges and reduced self-control.

Mood Dysregulation and Aggression

When testosterone spikes during hypersexual episodes, it can lead to mood dysregulation and even aggression. This mood imbalance may drive you back to masturbation or other hypersexual behaviors, not for sexual pleasure but to regulate your emotions. Over time, this cycle can result in lower overall testosterone levels and worsen issues like erectile dysfunction.

Strained Brain

Neuroimaging studies reveal that the spikes in testosterone from hypersexuality affect brainwave patterns, causing what Dr. Leigh calls a strained brain. This state, characterized by mental exhaustion and stress, can further impair your ability to regulate sexual behaviors. Essentially, what feels like a high libido is actually your brain trapped in a hypersexual loop that leads  to more masturbation and less satisfaction with real, intimate connections.

What Does Healthy Libido Look Like?

A healthy libido is characterized by the ability to engage in sexual activity with your partner when it’s the right time. Healthy sexual arousal happens naturally and is focused on intimacy and connection with your partner, rather than the rush of dopamine and testosterone that hypersexuality craves.

Moving Forward!

  1. Reflect on Your Sexual Behavior: Take time to journal about your habits. Do you think about sex, porn, or masturbation frequently? Are these thoughts tied to your partner or not? 
  2. Control Your Dopamine Spikes: Cut back on behaviors that spike your dopamine and testosterone unnaturally, such as watching pornography or excessive masturbation. Instead, focus on creating healthy, intimate connections with your partner.  
  3. Manage Mood Without Masturbation: Many men turn to masturbation to regulate their emotions. Instead, you can try healthier activities like exercise and  meditation.
  4. Explore Professional Help: Hypersexuality can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to be alone!. The Porn-Free Brain Forever program is designed to help you rewire your brain, overcome compulsive behaviors, and restore a healthy sexual life. If you’re looking for a more affordable option, you can get started with the Quit Porn for Good Workshop which offers practical steps to regain control and improve your well-being.

Ready to Change Your Life? 

If you suspect that hypersexuality is affecting your mental health, relationships, and overall happiness, it’s time to take action.Having a high libido isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to understand when it might be more than that. Hypersexuality is a condition that can seriously impact your overall quality of life. If you’re struggling with compulsive sexual behavior, know that help is available.The Porn-Free Brain Forever program is an excellent resource to start your journey toward healthier habits.

You can start to reclaim control over your mind and body today!

Explore Dr. Leigh’s videos for more valuable insights to learn if you might be dealing with hypersexuality!:

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