PORN BRAIN REWIRE gives you the knowledge, tools, and expert support to succeed in leaving porn, and all the problems that come with it, behind for good. This way you can stop compulsive masturbation, improve your relationships, heal erectile dysfunction, improve focus, get motivated, and rock out your best life.
This comprehensive program is filled with science-based strategies to stay out of lust and fantasy, resensitize your damaged brain for an awesome sex life, and build a life of dignity and integrity for lasting success.
PLUS! Initial Personal Live Meeting with Coach Zack Carter!
Single Payment of $999
When you enroll in this top-tier program, you get full access to the Erectile and Arousal module to heal your brain from ED, Delayed Ejaculation, Performance Anxiety, and More. In this specialized section you will learn from Dr. Trish Leigh:
The truth is that most people need the combination of tools, techniques, and support provided in our Porn Free Brain Forever program to permanently leave porn behind.
If you are not ready to commit, you can start with my introductory program, Quit Porn for Good. It will help you learn more about the main components of porn recovery and start you on your healing journey.
Chronic pornography consumption is an aspect of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD). It is proven to be a brain dysregulation problem. This program addresses the core issues with a holistic, neuroscience approach for long-term success.
We help you:
(1) un-wire, re-wire, and hard-wire your brain
(2) to integrate your mind, body, and spirit by
(3) resolving the past, rebooting the present, and setting aim toward the future.
You will learn theory and practical actions steps to take immediately. This comprehensive approach will help you leave porn behind and create a life you love. You won’t want to escape into porn ever again. By doing this, you will heal your brain from porn use. The best part is that it is all proven effective by neuroscience.