Top Mistakes Men Make About ED

Hey there! If you’re finding it tough to get or keep an erection, it can feel overwhelming. But guess what? You’re not alone. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be frustrating and stressful and take a toll on your confidence.

Dr. Trish Leigh has helped countless men address sexual arousal dysfunction, a condition often rooted in the brain that can be misdiagnosed.

This blog will shed light on the mistakes men make about ED, debunk myths, and explore effective treatments to get your sex life back on track.


The Silent Struggle: Top Mistakes Men Make About ED

Let’s dig into the mistakes men make about ED when they are trying to overcome and heal erectile dysfunction. 


Mistake 1: Thinking It’s a Physical Problem

Many men believe ED is purely a physical issue related to their sexual organs. HOWEVER, that is not true for the vast majority of men. Dr. Leigh has revealed that ED that erectile dysfunction is arousal dysfunction in the brain.

What happens is baseline arousal has changed, so then it’s challenging to get aroused with a partner. Why does baseline arousal usually change? It’s because of porn. 

So if you’ve been consuming porn, especially frequently, consistently, and with high levels of intensity, what pornography and other explicit matter does is desensitize the dopamine receptors in the reward center in your brain.

And that desensitization makes it difficult to be aroused with a partner because you’re no longer getting the very high mental and physical stimulation that comes from porn and masturbation. So, Dr. Leigh knows from experience that for most people, erectile dysfunction is brain dysfunction.


Mistake 2: Silence About ED Fuels Performance Anxiety

One of the mistakes men make about ED is when they’re trying to overcome erectile dysfunction, overlooking the psychological factors. So if you’re suffering from ED, and especially if you haven’t shared that with your partner, which many men don’t want to, what happens is performance anxiety ramps up.

Having SAD or Sexual Arousal Dysfunction is very stressful and anxiety-provoking. So, what most people don’t understand is that psychological factors are neurological factors. 


Mistake 3: Daily Habits Can Sabotage Your Erections

The third mistake that people make when they’re trying to overcome erectile dysfunction is dismissing their lifestyle or habits, dismissing the role that the way that you live your life can impact your brain and hence can impact your ability to get an erection and to be able to orgasm with a partner.

When your baseline arousal changes, it’s challenging to be with a human being who, on a good day, is likely a seven, eight, or nine on the one to 10 scale of arousal. That’s the healthy arousal scale that exists in the real world. Pornography exists down to up to 15.

When dopamine increases in your brain to supernormal unhealthy levels, it leads to desensitization. 

So many people do not take into account that the way you live your life matters when it comes to sexual arousal dysfunction, namely pornography and explicit matter consumption.


Mistake 4: Neglect Your Overall Well-being

Taking care of your overall well-being is essential when they’re trying to overcome erectile dysfunction. It is neglecting your overall well-being through healthy self-care, including balancing how you use your brain across the day and your life. 

A well-rested brain is a healthier brain. Dr. Leigh’s qEEG brain map assessment can show you how your brain performs. A balanced brain pattern is crucial in overcoming ED.


Mistake 5: Thinking That it’s an Age-Related Issue.

The fifth mistake that people make when they’re overcoming erectile dysfunction is thinking that it’s age-related. Dr Leigh knows from experience that in 2024, there are so many young men struggling with sexual arousal dysfunction due to porn use. 

Now more than ever, ED has shifted to younger men and middle and older gentlemen. Still, it’s not age-related like it was a very long time ago when high-speed internet pornography was not in the mix.

The supernormal stimulus of pornography and explicit matter is desensitizing the brain, leading to difficulty being sensitized in a healthy sexual experience. 

So we know that it’s not age-related. It is very much related to porn-induced erectile dysfunction. 


Number 6: Overlooking the Link Between Porn and Erectile Dysfunction.

When people give up porn, their brain slowly starts to heal. This “unwire” phase can return your brain to a healthier state. Sometimes, advanced technology can help shift your brain back to an optimal pattern more quickly. 

So you stop watching porn, you stop masturbating that’s when your brain starts slowly but surely moving back towards the green zone optimal brain pattern. But sometimes, people’s brains don’t make it there. Dr. Leigh uses advanced technology to return your brain to the green zone.


Mistake 7: Dismiss Emotions or Emotional Issues

Emotional problems or situations that arise in our lives can impact us, and especially if you’ve been caught in the loop of pornography, addressing these issues head-on can help your brain move towards a healthier state. Avoiding complicated feelings can exacerbate ED, so it’s important to engage with and work through your emotions.

When people give up porn, their brain slowly starts to heal. This “unwire” phase can return your brain to a healthier state. Sometimes, advanced technology can help shift your brain back to an optimal pattern more quickly.

But those problematic feelings or those challenging emotional situations in your life take a toll on your brain. That could lead to a strained brain, too much anxiety, too much fatigue, and overwhelm.

So, if you have emotional situations, it’s time to address them. It’s time to approach and engage so your brain can move towards that green zone. 


Mistake 8: Not Being Aware of Dopamine Dysregulation

ED, delayed ejaculation, and SAD are all challenges that happen in the brain because of dopamine dysregulation. So if porn is in the mix, a dopamine dependency is likely at the core. 

Your brain is used to using high levels of dopamine to feel good and, ultimately, at some point, not feel bad. So what happens is that now there’s a dysregulated use and need for dopamine to offset the stress of life.

At the same time, a porn habit increases stress in your life because we know if you have a dopamine dependency, it leads to a dopamine deficit when you’re in your actual life. 


Mistake 9: Overlooking the Connection Between Brain, Mind, and Body to ED

The connection of the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system essentially overlooks the connection between the brain, mind, body, and the ability to have an erection and to have an excellent, pleasurable, connected sexual experience with a partner.

If you’ve taught your brain to go into the screen, it’s used to getting very high levels of dopamine to become aroused. That is in the central nervous system, which sends the signals to the peripheral nervous system, which sends those nerve impulses from your brain to your body, telling you to become aroused.

But your signals are crossed, and you need very high levels of stimulation. So, this connection between the nervous systems can be healed, starting with the top-down approach. This means that when we regulate your brain, your body will work better, too. 

Take charge of your brain health and rediscover sexual fulfillment.  

Overcome Erectile Dysfunction with Dr. Trish’s Innovative Method

Remember, control your brain, or it’ll control you. 

Let’s get started on this journey together!

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