Inside the ADHD Brain

Living with ADHD: Taking Control of Your Focus

Living with ADHD can feel overwhelming, as if your brain is constantly working against you. If you’ve ever felt frustrated by your inability to focus or control impulsive behaviors, keep reading, we want to help you! Truth is, your brain isn’t broken but it’s just working in a different way. With the right approach, you can take control and improve your focus.

What’s Really Happening in Your ADHD Brain?

When you have ADHD, your brain might be running on theta brain waves, these slow waves are typically associated with sleep and relaxation. It’s like your brain has its foot on the brake when you need it to go. This can make it incredibly difficult to stay focused, process information quickly, or manage impulses.


You might find yourself engaging in hyperactive or impulsive behaviors because your brain is seeking stimulation. But it’s not because you’re out of control—it’s your brain’s way of trying to create balance. Unfortunately, this makes everyday tasks like work, school or even managing relationships much harder, leaving you feeling stuck.

Neurofeedback: A Science-Backed Solution to Improve Focus

The good news is that you don’t have to live in this constant state of mental struggle. Neurofeedback brain training is a powerful tool that has been scientifically proven to help reduce the slow theta waves in your brain. By training your brain to use more beta waves, which are responsible for focus and alertness, you can achieve better control over your mind.


Neurofeedback offers a non-invasive, drug-free approach to managing ADHD. Over time, it can help your brain to rewire itself, reducing the need for impulsive behaviors and improving your ability to stay focused and productive.


Start with a Brain Map: qEEG Assessment


A critical first step to better brain function is understanding how your brain works. A qEEG brain map assessment gives you a detailed picture of your brain’s current activity, showing where it’s using too much of one brainwave or not enough of another. With this information, you can tailor neurofeedback training to your specific needs, ensuring the best results.


Take Control of Your Focus and Productivity Today


You don’t have to settle for constantly feeling overwhelmed or distracted. Dr. Trish Leigh’s Neurofeedback Coaching Program offers personalized brain training to help you regain control of your focus and performance. Whether you’re struggling with ADHD or just want to improve your mental clarity, neurofeedback can help you break free from the frustration of a slow brain and live a more productive life.

What Happens If You Don’t Take Action?

Living with unmanaged ADHD can lead to ongoing frustration, poor work or academic performance, strained relationships, and even low self-esteem. You might find yourself always playing catch-up, unable to focus long enough to get ahead. Without proper brain training, these problems can worsen over time, making it even harder to manage your ADHD.

What to Expect After Brain Training

With neurofeedback, you’ll begin to notice improvements in your ability to concentrate, make decisions, and manage your impulses. Your productivity will increase, and daily tasks will feel less overwhelming. Many people report feeling more in control of their lives and less frustrated by their ADHD symptoms.

BONUS: Frequently Asked Questions About ADHD

What is ADHD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurological condition that affects focus, impulse control, and hyperactivity. People with ADHD often struggle with staying on task, being organized, and managing impulsive behaviors.

How does neurofeedback help with ADHD?

Neurofeedback trains your brain to reduce excessive theta activity and increase beta waves, which are responsible for focus and cognitive processing. This helps improve your ability to concentrate and manage impulses, leading to better overall brain function.

Can neurofeedback replace ADHD medication?

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free option that can be used together or in place of medication for some individuals.

How long does neurofeedback take to show results?

Many people begin to notice improvements after a few sessions, but it typically takes several weeks to achieve lasting results. Consistency is key to rewiring your brain for better focus and control.

Ready to Rewire Your Brain?

Discover how neurofeedback can transform your life. Schedule your qEEG assessment with Dr. Trish Leigh and explore her personalized neurofeedback coaching program. This brain-based approach to ADHD can help you reclaim your focus, boost your productivity, and start living the life you’ve always wanted. As Dr. Leigh always says: Control your brain or it will control you! 

Also, check out Dr. Leigh’s YouTube videos for more detailed insights and guidance.

 Inside the ADHD Brain: A Brain Map Breakdown – YouTube

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