People ask me all the time “What information does qEEG Brain Mapping give you?” My answer is multi-faceted, as you can imagine. But, the simple way to explain it is this. I can see if your brain is performing in a mode that creates anxiety, addictions, ADHD and more. I can see it with my own eyes and show you how to see it too.
First and foremost, the qEEG Brain Mapping shows you how every area of your brain is performing. It shows many different parameters, but the two that are most important are power and communication. The qEEG Brain Mapping shows you how every area of your brain is using speed, this is power. Power is measured in every brain area. There are 19 areas of the brain that are usually measured.
What Power Information Does qEEG Brain Mapping Give You?
Power is how much of any given brain processing speed your brain is using in all brain areas. The speeds are extra slow, slow, medium, fast, and extra fast processing speeds. If you want to know more about how your brain uses speed, you can check it out HERE.
The qEEG Brain Mapping shows if your brain is using too much or too little of a speed in any area of your brain. In that way, the map shows the doctor how far off from optimal performance your brain is working. This information is hugely important. It essentially provides a road map to show you how you can get your brain’s performance back on track. If you suffer from an addiction, a learning challenge, anxiety, or a neurological disorder the brain map can be your road map.
What Communication Information Does qEEG Brain Mapping Give You?
Communication between brain areas is essential to feel and perform well in your life. The different areas of the brain need to talk to each other with the perfect amount and perfect timing. The qEEG Brain Mapping shows us this information. The qEEG Brain Mapping shows if your brain is communicating well or if there is a disruption in the communication between brain areas.
Once you know if your brain is using too much or too little of a brain speed you can make a plan to decrease the amount of those speeds. Neurofeedback Therapy has been endorsed by the American Psychological Association as a top level support to do just that.Neurofeedback can even be done at home with a Home Neurofeedback System.
If you want to learn more about brain-based therapies to get you feeling and performing better then you should check out my courses or better yet, do personal neuro training with me. I can give you all the tools, everything you need, to rewire your brain and your life.