Discover The Power Of Neurofeedback

“Neurofeedback is exactly what I needed, and I can’t believe I waited this long”.

That’s what one of our clients told Dr. Leigh after she started to see the benefits of neurofeedback journey with Dr. Trish Leigh, a Certified Neurofeedback Practitioner, Brain Health Coach, and Cognitive Neuroscientist. This client couldn’t believe that he waited so long to discover the power of  neurofeedback. He had struggled with anxiety and depression for years, trying pharmaceuticals and different therapies, but nothing had ever worked.

The Power Of Neurofeedback:

Finding an effective, non-invasive solution was mind-blowing and bittersweet for him, realizing he could have avoided years of struggle.

Why Did Neurofeedback Work?

The root of his anxiety and depression was a dysregulated brain performance pattern. These feelings, described as “amped up but low energy” and a “wet blanket” sensation, stem from this pattern. A qEEG brain map, which is non-invasive and exposes you to nothing harmful, helps us visualize brain activity, showing exactly where the dysregulation lies.

Is Neurofeedback going to help me?

Neurofeedback operates on the principle of operant conditioning. This learning theory states that the brain performs better when positively reinforced. Using neuroplasticity, neurofeedback encourages the brain to adopt healthier performance patterns. Sessions involve a brain training headband and a specialized app, set to reduce stress, anxiety, and dopamine dependency, while increasing calm focus.

During a session, people watch their favorite shows. If their brain hits the desired markers, the screen stays bright and the audio loud, reinforcing positive patterns. If not, the screen dims and the audio lowers, providing feedback to steer the brain back on track.

The Science Behind Neurofeedback

Scientific studies have proven the power of neurofeedback can regulate a dysregulated brain pattern. This client, like many others, regretted not finding this solution sooner. However, he is now experiencing the benefits of a positive feedback loop that enhances brain performance and maintains improvement.

Conditions Visualized on a qEEG Brain Map

Take Control of Your Brain Health with Neurofeedback

Schedule a consultation today! Discover the power of neurofeedback and how your brain is performing and what it needs to perform better. Get a qEEG brain map and see if you qualify for our neurofeedback program now and change your life towards a brighter future. Remember: you are in the right place! Control your brain, or it will control you.

Also, Check out Dr. Leigh’s YouTube videos for more detailed insights and guidance:

Neurofeedback Is Exactly What You Need! w/ Dr. Trish Leigh – YouTube


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