Is Porn Bad For Me?

What watching porn does to you and you might not even relate back to porn use. I’m Dr. Trish Leigh let me tell you about it and you might want to get a cup of coffee for this video because the list is long. First, we’re going to talk about the list and it’s long. Secondly, we are going to discuss what is going on in your brain when you are being impacted in all these different ways. Your thoughts, the way that you act, your behavior, the way you feel your emotions physically. What’s happening with you how you interact with the world. How you socialize is mind-blowing. Then we’re going to discuss how you can break this cycle, break free from porn. Get on purpose in your life get re-engaged so you can evolve into your full potential. Happiness is at the end of that rainbow so stay with me until the end so that we can talk about how we can get you there.



How porn impacts your behavior?

Number one you know some people talk about these as the side effects of porn use. What I’m going to do first is talk about how it impacts your behavior, side effects, things that will impact you that you might not even know. Then I’m going to talk about how it can escalate into other sexual acting out behaviors and honestly some of them can come before or hand in hand with porn use. But they’re reinforcing each other. General malaise just the general feeling of yuckiness so if you don’t feel good if you feel like you’re at 40 capacity on a day-to-day basis the screen will do that to you and people don’t feel that great. They don’t realize the reason you don’t feel that good mentally you have brain fog physically, you’re tired and lethargic, and you just don’t want to go into the world and embrace it. That comes from porn news general malaise guilt and shame. We’ve talked about this one a lot the feelings of guilt can be motivating the feelings of shame to bring you back to the screen but either way those are not the feelings of dignity and integrity.


Science study and side effects of porn

A 2015 study shows that men, in particular, have worsened body images and think of themselves as less fit and less muscular. So that body image and self-esteem and distorted reality can really come from watching these fake interactions on videos of people who don’t even want to be there and it’s not real but it distorts your perception of reality. I’ve made videos on that desensitization of your brain and to me, this is probably one of the more important side effects because the reward center in your midbrain is essentially being fried out the d2 dopamine receptors are no longer working properly. Plus you’re flooding your brain with dopamine which puts you into this couch mode numbed out mode for the moment or for a little while after. Then your brain swings in the opposite direction and it gives you more anxiety and the cycle never ends the proverbial downward spiral.



More Information

If you’re interested in learning more about how porn is bad for you, then click the video linked above. However, if you’re ready to quit porn and get the support you need visit my website or youtube channel for more information about the programs I’ve created.

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