Stop Porn Scenes From Popping Into Your Mind

Do you want to stop porn scenes from popping into your mind?

What is happening when a scene pops into your mind or brain? Well, it is called an intrusive thought. It’s a thought that’s intruding itself into your brain. Your day can be ruined by these thoughts. For example, decreased productivity results. The neural pathways you have been using make the thoughts get stuck in your mind. Over time, those pathways die off. Therefore, your brain heals itself. However, you can help it heal too. Watch the video below to learn how to stop porn scenes from popping into your mind.


How to get rid of the intrusive thought?

Create a strong offensive plan for intrusive thoughts before they take hold. Therefore, you’re able to gain back control. Consider buying a notebook or journal to write these tips down. Neuroscience studies show that writing things down can help the information burrow itself into your brain. Thus, it creates more success for yourself. 

Write out the most enjoyable aspect of your life in your new journal. This will release dopamine into your brain.  Dopamine is released into your brain when you think of happy, loving thoughts.  Pull up this thought when an urge strikes. Find out more in the video above. 

The easiest way to get started is to join my short course. It is only $49 and it is a great start. 10 jam-packed lessons help you understand the fundamentals of a porn reboot. Even better, the course gives you the tools you need to personalize and practice the skills, you will be well on your way to recovery. Learn more about the Quit Porn For Good short course here.

More Information

Learn more about getting rid of these intrusive thoughts, watch the video linked below. However, if this video didn’t help you and you need more assistance, visit my website for courses that can help you. If you’re interested in watching more of my videos, click the link here.

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