Brain Training: A New Hope for Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are often considered skin conditions, but their roots run deeper. As a neuroscientist specializing in brain training, I’m here to reveal the surprising connection between your brain and these seemingly unrelated disorders. Buckle up—we’re about to dive into the fascinating world of neural pathways, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, and self-healing.

Autoimmune Disorder and the Mystery of Psoriasis

Imagine your brain is a fire alarm system. When danger approaches, it enters “fight-or-flight” mode, flooding your body with stress hormones. This is helpful in short bursts, but what if the alarm gets stuck?

This chronic stress state, called sympathetic dominance, is what some researchers believe may be a root cause of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

When you search online for the cause of psoriasis, you’ll encounter the familiar refrain: “Etiology unknown.” But let’s challenge that notion. Everything has a reason—even if it’s elusive. Why am I passionate about this topic? I’ve personally navigated the treacherous path of toxic mold poisoning, and psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis emerged during that challenging time.

Digging deeper, we find that psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are products of autoimmune disorders. But what does this have to do with brain training? Well, your brain plays a pivotal role in perpetuating these conditions.

Brain Training to the Rescue?

Here’s where brain training comes in. Traditional medicine often focuses on managing symptoms, but brain training offers a potential solution to the underlying issue: a nervous system stuck in overdrive.

How it Works:

  • Brain Mapping: Imagine a roadmap of your brain’s activity. A qEEG brain map can reveal areas stuck in fight-or-flight mode, potentially linked to psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.
  • Neuroplasticity: The good news? Your brain is constantly rewiring itself. Brain training uses this fantastic ability to help your brain shift from fight-or-flight to a calmer, more balanced state.
  • Self-Healing Power: When your nervous system calms down, your body’s natural healing abilities can kick in.

A Path to Healing:

Brain training isn’t a quick fix, but it can be a powerful weapon in your fight against psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. By addressing the potential root cause – a stressed-out brain –you can create a path toward healing and a lifelessness limited by these conditions.

Your brain is a powerful ally in managing your autoimmune disorder.

Let’s unlock its potential and rewrite your health story together.

Schedule your qEEG brain map evaluation now.

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