Change Your Concept of Porn to Quit

So many men don’t realize the danger in pornography because it’s just something they watch every once in a while. To help them relax and for pleasure. However, when you put it that way it doesn’t sound bad. Continue reading to learn how to change your concept of porn to quit. 


How to change your concept of porn?

Although if you can change your concept so that pornography now becomes a way to self medicate and self-soothing. Most people don’t want to self medicate or self-soothe every single day. You are using chemicals in your brain to fight off pain and to seemingly provide yourself with pleasure. 

In scientific studies, they found that pornography use is a chemical addiction. So basically it’s self-medicating from the inside out and you don’t want to do that.


How can I help you quit porn?

In these videos, we’re talking about changing routines, habits, and thought processes. That’s one major way that you can change your thought process, is by realizing that it’s self-soothing and self-medicating very often. Therefore, you want to be able to live in the world and have joy. 


More Information

If you’re looking for more information about quitting porn, check out my website linked here. However, if you’re interested in watching the video click the link above. And finally, if you’re looking for more of my youtube videos click the link here. Remember to control your brain before it controls you. 

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