Porn Damages the Brain

What You Need to Know About Porn

Porn DAMAGES the Brain

People don’t want to hear it, but porn damages the brain. When consuming pornography, it causes functioning in the frontal lobe to be knocked out. Watching porn also desensitizes the reward system in the mid brain.

This means that the brain will have trouble:

  • focusing
  • develop anxiety and depression
  • have trouble feeling motivated
  • cause anger
  • develop brain fog.

Along with the mental side effects, erectile dysfunction can also develop as a result of porn use.

Porn Can Damage Loved Ones

While porn can create several issues mentally and physically, it can also harm those that people hold closest to them. It’s called a “silent tsunami of porn use.” This means that not only will porn have lasting effects on individuals that are addicted, but also on those individual’s loved ones as well. The addiction ripples out from the brain to all aspects of life.


Porn Makes Your Partner Unattractive

Another aspect of life that porn can affect, is how the brain views partners or potential partners. It will start to make them unattractive and unappealing. Porn creates this distortive reality so that it trains the brain to only find porn desirable. This is what leads to addiction and what makes porn addiction hard to get out of.


Control Your Brain

It is time to get the control back when it comes to porn addiction. When the brain learns to not go back into the screen for unhealthy dopamine hits, it will, instead, learn to find dopamine in real life again. Find joy in real, everyday things including:

  • hobbies
  • relationships
  • passions
  • jobs

When the brain comes out of porn, life will become more meaningful, engaging, and positive.

Click here for information on how to quit porn and resources that can help.


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