Porn Recovery & Epigenetics

In this video, Dr. Trish Leigh talks about what epigenetics is and how they go together. Learn how to use the ideas behind epigenetics to help you recover and how these addictions begin in the first place. Continue reading to learn more about porn recovery and epigenetics.


What will you learn from the video?

Dr. Trish Leigh goes over 3 main concepts:

  1. How a Compulsive Porn Habit Starts & Grows
  2. Recovery and what it entails
  3. Epigenetics and how it can help

How a Porn Habit Starts & Grows?

The type of addiction is based on what’s happening around you. Therefore, nature vs. nurture. Nature is the way that you were born, the genetic makeup of your system, and your baseline brain performance pattern. However, addiction has a  genetic component to it. Although many things play a role in addiction, the environment a person grows up in and personal behavior. Genetic factors account for 40 to 60 percent of a person’s vulnerability to addiction. Other factors in addictions include familial predisposition and a brain pattern like your family. 


How is Nurture a factor?

Nurture has an environmental component to it. Normally young men exposed to porn at the young age of 11-13. However, research shows that it’s becoming even younger (8). Many causes leading to porn addictions include stressors – work, family, finances, responsibilities. It also includes boredom or the need to stimulate the nervous system. 


Recovery – Nature & Nurture

Porn recovery begins with un-wire & re-wire your brain pattern. You can recover using technology – Brain Training. However, there is a non-technology option that includes. environment, routines, habits, thoughts, feelings. Using epigenetics (above genetics) can also help you recover from porn. Science shows this can be effective in changing your gene expression. It can heal your brain and nervous system. Healing neural pathways in your brain and the cascading effect throughout your body to heal the cells. This can help people with addiction, anxiety, depression, etc. Modulation of gene expression can change the way that your genes act and more. 


More Information

If you’re interested in learning more about porn recovery and epigenetics, watch the video linked above to see the whole video. However, if you’re interested in quitting porn for good, visit my website here. Lastly, watch more of my youtube videos by visiting my channel here. Let’s get control of your brain and put you on the pathway to success.

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