Why is Quitting Porn so Hard?

In this video, Dr. Trish Leigh will go over to difficult of quitting porn. Let’s continue to learn why is quitting porn so hard.

Stages of Addiction – From Study Volkow et al. 

There are main stages of addiction, but we are going over the 3 main stages of addiction and what happens in the brain during each. We’re also going to talk about how they change from casual consumption to compulsion or addiction.

Stages of addiction

The first stage of addiction is intoxication. Therefore, the brain feels a high – thalamus; increased sensitization in reward center ACC & OFC. Then next is withdrawal. The brain feels a low – activation in the emotional centers of the brain, anygdala, which leads to negative mood and increased sensitivity to stress. Lastly, preoccupation and anticipation, which causes decreased function in the prefrontal cortex, no will abstain & starts the cycle over. Compromised neurocircuitry reflects a disruption in reward and stress neurochemicals (dopamine & cortisol).

How do they change from casual consumption to compulsion/addiction?

Neuroadaptation is how the brain changes from casual consumption to compulsion or addiction. There’s a study by Volkow et al. It’s made up of three main stages; intoxication, withdrawal, and preoccupation and interpretation. Intoxication’s when your brain feels great because it’s getting a high from the neuro mechanisms.   

More Information

If you’re interested in learning more about quitting porn for good, then visit my website. If you want to watch more of my videos, then visit my youtube channel.

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