Edging with Porn: Why is it So Harmful.

Edging with Porn Harmful Indeed. This blog post is a transcript of the below video. View it now for ease of understanding the concepts. Edging and how it damages your brain. I’m Dr. Trish Leigh let me tell you about it. We’re going to go through three points in this video, number one what is edging, and in this 2.0 version what edging is not. Then secondly what we’re going to talk about is what edging does to your brain and why it’s so dangerous. I work with so many people that regret the fact that they got into this practice and were sucked into it without even knowing they were doing it. And definitely not knowing what it was doing to their brains. Third what you can do to back yourself out of the mode that you’ve put your brain in on accident. And heal your brain so that it works optimally and you can leave pornography behind.  

What is edging with porn and what it’s not?

Edging is the practice of viewing pornography in longer and longer sessions. Maybe coming back and forth between viewing pornography and dipping into your life a little bit. But then coming back for dopamine because your life has become difficult to manage without dopamine hits. But you might stay in a session and open multiple tabs with increasing intensity moving from one scene to another. Holding that buzzer, that high, that numbing feeling, that sensation thing you’re craving. The thing that you want so much is to take the edge off and make you feel good. This human condition gets better with every increasing move you take towards watching more and more intensity.  

What edging does to your brain?

That is edging what you’re doing, you’re holding a flood of dopamine in your brain. The reward center of your brain is being bathed. I want you to think of a bath bathed in dopamine which you’re not supposed to get in that amount or for that long. So your brain’s being bathed in dopamine to feel more and more chill, relaxed, and numbed out.  However, there are consequences to that. That edging session is going forward with increased intensity feeling better and you’re holding off the release to have your brain linger in that bath. The consequences are your brain’s not supposed to be there for that long or at that heightened arousal and intensity level. So you are desensitizing the reward center in your brain, which means when you go to be with your partner not only can you not get an erection. And therefore you won’t be able to ejaculate.  

More information

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