Fight the Urge to Watch Pornography

Do you want to fight the urge to watch pornography? Then keep reading and watch the video below. I can help you.

First, let’s think about what’s going on in that specific moment. Think about what happens, typically you hear thoughts in your mind or in your head. But who’s telling you to watch porn. It’s a hijacker in your brain talking because of the pornography. The hijacker’s main job is to make you go back and watch more. That hijacker is NOT YOU. It is a compulsion, a false need. When you’re in those moments and the hijacker tells you all the great reasons to go and watch, you need to know exactly what to do.  Continue reading to learn how to fight the urge to watch pornography. 

What to do in the moment of trigger and temptation?

The more control you have over your brain, the better you’re going to be able to use this technique. In the moment of the trigger and temptation, the hijacker starts talking to you. Now, I want you to listen to what he’s saying. He is trying to trick you. Then, I want you to talk back to him. So if you’re about to go engage in your habit of pornography and masturbation, likely you’re on your way to being by yourself. Before you do that I want you to give the hijacker a face. Now, I want you to imagine him in a chair so that you can talk to him. This is a very important technique called Gestalt, which will bring you out of your head and mind and back into your body. Then think of yourself, not the hijacker. So you can tell the hijacker what you need him to know.


What is the hijacker trying to do?

The hijacker’s trying to shrink your brain and obviously, you don’t want a shrunken brain. The hijacker also wants to destroy your purpose. He does not want you to feel good in the world. If you feel good in the world, you won’t keep coming back for more porn. The hijacker wants to destroy your relationships so that you have to keep going back for more. If this technique doesn’t work for you, then you’re not in control of your brain. The thoughts in your head trying to make you watch more aren’t your own, it’s the hijacker talking. 

What is the Gestalt Technique?

Gestalt Therapists and their clients use creative and experimental techniques to encourage awareness, freedom, and self-direction. The empty chair technique is a gestalt therapy exercise that places the person in therapy across from an empty chair. He or she is asked to imagine that someone, they, or a part of themselves is sitting in the chair. The therapist encourages conversation between the client and the chair in order to engage the person’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior. The empty chair exercise can be especially helpful to people becoming more mindful of the whole situation and forgotten or disengaged pieces of their own self.

More Information

If you’re looking for a course to help you quit porn, then check my short course on Quit Porn for Good linked here. Advanced brain training and coaching is the most powerful way to reboot your brain and life in a few short months. Read more about my personalized services HERE. Not ready to work with me yet? Watch more videos from my YouTube channel, by clicking the link here.

I want to help you break free from porn so you can get on purpose and live your best life!

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