How Anxiety Drives You To Porn

Anxiety Drives You To Porn

What is Anxiety?

To understand how anxiety drives you to porn, you need to know what anxiety is. Anxiety comes from high energy speeds in the brain called high beta. High beta is a fast energy speed that makes the brain feel uncomfortable. It’s hyper-arousal, meaning the brain is becoming too aroused.

So, when going through life with higher than normal brain speeds due to things like childhood trauma, and current life stressors, it creates the need in the brain for something that will bring those speeds back down and take the edge off.

How Does Anxiety Drive You to Porn?

A common way that people choose to take this edge off is by going to porn. While this may feel good and pleasurable at the moment and will decrease the high beta speeds, it will increase dopamine levels to an unhealthy amount.

After consuming all that porn and masturbating, those levels go to opposite extremes. Dopamine levels will drop considerably and high beta speeds will increase to a level even higher than they were before.

Those low levels of dopamine and high beta levels will continuously drive you back into the screen and into addiction.

Brain Hack

Find out what the stressors in your life are, no matter how big or small they are. Then, investigate those feelings and figure out what’s causing that anxiety. When you do this, you can come up with a plan for how you can work through those stressors in a problem-solving way. Teach your brain how to approach and engage with these uncomfortable feelings so that you can learn to work through them. This will lead to feeling, thinking, and acting.

To learn more, click here.

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